Research ArticleArticles
Class Size Reduction and Student Achievement
The Potential Tradeoff between Teacher Quality and Class Size
Christopher Jepsen and Steven Rivkin
Journal of Human Resources, January 2009, 44 (1) 223-250; DOI:

- Angrist Joshua,
- Lavy Victor
- Ballou Dale,
- Podrusky Michael
- Bohrnstedt George,
- Stecher Brian
- Boyd Don,
- Lankford Hamilton,
- Loeb Susanna,
- Wyckoff James
- Ehrenberg Ronald,
- Brewer Dominic,
- Gamoran Adam,
- Willms J. Douglas
- Hanushek Eric.
- Hanushek Eric,
- Kain John,
- Rivkin Seven
- Hoxby Caroline Minter
- Jepsen Christopher,
- Rivkin Steven
- Krueger Alan
- Krueger Alan,
- Whitmore Diane
- Rivkin Steven
- Rivkin Steven G.,
- Hanushek Eric A.,
- Kain John F.
- Ross Randy
- Sims David
- Stecher Brian,
- Bohrnstedt George
- Stecher Brian,
- Bohrnstedt George
- Todd Petra,
- Wolpin Kenneth I.
- Unlu Fatih
In this issue
Journal of Human Resources
Vol. 44, Issue 1
1 Jan 2009
Class Size Reduction and Student Achievement
Christopher Jepsen, Steven Rivkin
Journal of Human Resources Jan 2009, 44 (1) 223-250; DOI: 10.3368/jhr.44.1.223
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