Research ArticleArticles
Do School Lunches Contribute to Childhood Obesity?
Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach
Journal of Human Resources, July 2009, 44 (3) 684-709; DOI:
Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach

- Anderson Patricia M.,
- Butcher Kristin F.
- Anderson Patricia M.,
- Butcher Kristin F.,
- Levine Philip B.
- Angrist Joshua,
- Lavy Victor
- Bhattacharya Jayanta,
- Currie Janet,
- Haider Steven
- Burghardt John,
- Gleason Philip,
- Sinclair Michael,
- Cohen Rhoda,
- Hulsey Lara,
- Milliner-Waddell Julita
- Centers for Disease Control
- Cutler David M.,
- Glaeser Edward L.,
- Shapiro Jesse M.
- Dahl Molly W.,
- Karl Scholz John
- Devaney Barbara L.,
- Stuart Elizabeth A.
- DiNardo John,
- Lee David S.
- Economic Research Service
- Figlio David,
- Winicki Joshua
- Food and Nutrition Service
- Food and Nutrition Service
- Fox Mary Kay,
- Crepinsek Mary Kay,
- Connor Patty,
- Battaglia Michael
- Fraker Thomas
- Gleason Philip,
- Suitor Carol W.
- Gleason Philip,
- Suitor Carol W.
- Gunderson Gordon W.
- Hahn Jinyong,
- Todd Petra,
- Van der Klaauw Wilbert
- Haskins Ron,
- Paxson Christina,
- Donahue Elisabeth
- Hinrichs Peter
- Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
- Lakdawalla Darius,
- Philipson Thomas
- Lee David S.
- Matsudaira Jordan D.
- McCrary Justin,
- Royer Heather N.
- National Center for Health Statistics
- National Center for Health Statistics
- Schofield W. N.,
- Schofield C.,
- James W. P. T.
- School Nutrition Association
- Surgeon General of the United States
In this issue
Journal of Human Resources
Vol. 44, Issue 3
1 Jul 2009
Do School Lunches Contribute to Childhood Obesity?
Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach
Journal of Human Resources Jul 2009, 44 (3) 684-709; DOI: 10.3368/jhr.44.3.684
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