Research ArticleArticles
On Money and Motivation
A Quasi-Experimental Analysis of Financial Incentives for College Achievement
Judith Scott-Clayton
Journal of Human Resources, July 2011, 46 (3) 614-646; DOI:

- Andrews Kevin M.,
- Ziomek Robert L.
- ↵
- Angrist Joshua,
- Lang Daniel,
- Oreopoulos Philip
- ↵
- Bound John,
- Michael Lovenheim,
- Turner Sarah E.
- ↵
- Brock Thomas,
- Richburg-Hayes Lashawn
- ↵
- Cornwell Christopher M.,
- Lee Kyung Hee,
- Mustard David B.
- ↵
- Cornwell Christopher M.,
- Mustard David B.,
- Sridhar Deepa J.
- ↵
- DesJardins Stephen,
- McCall Brian
- ↵
- Dynarski Susan
- ↵
- Dynarski Susan
- ↵
- Dynarski Susan
- ↵
- Field Erica
- ↵
- Garibaldi Pietro,
- Giavazzi Francesco,
- Ichino Andrea,
- Enrico Rettore
- ↵
- Guryan Jonathan
- ↵
- Imbens Guido,
- Lemieux Thomas
- ↵
- Kane Thomas J.
- ↵
- Keane Michael P.,
- Wolpin Kenneth I.
- ↵
- Kremer Michael,
- Miguel Edward,
- Thornton Rebecca
- ↵
- Lee David
- ↵
- Lee David,
- Card David
- ↵
- Manski Charles F.
- ↵
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- ↵
- Rothstein Jesse,
- Rouse Cecilia Elena
- ↵
- ↵
- Turner Sarah E.
- U. S. Department of Education
- U. S. Department of Education
- U. S. Department of Education
- ↵
- Vigdor Jacob,
- Clotfelter Charles
- ↵
- West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (WVHEPC)
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- West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (WVHEPC)
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- West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (WVHEPC)
In this issue
Journal of Human Resources
Vol. 46, Issue 3
1 Jul 2011
On Money and Motivation
Judith Scott-Clayton
Journal of Human Resources Jul 2011, 46 (3) 614-646; DOI: 10.3368/jhr.46.3.614
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