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- Accepted November 1, 2011
- Published online October 25, 2012.
Copyright & Usage
© 2012 by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System
Author Information
- David Neumark
- David Neumark is Professor of Economics and Director of the Center for Economics & Public Policy at UCI, a research associate of the NBER, and a research fellow at IZA. He is grateful to the UCI Academic Senate Council on Research, Computing, and Libraries for research support, to Scott Barkowski, Marianne Bitler, Richard Blundell, Thomas Corneliβen, Ying-Ying Dong, Judith Hellerstein, James Heckman, an anonymous referee, and seminar participants at Baylor University, Cal State Fullerton, Cornell University, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Hebrew University, the Melbourne Institute, the University of Oklahoma, Tel Aviv University, the University of Sydney, and the All-California Labor Conference for helpful comments, and to Scott Barkowski, Andrew Chang, Jennifer Graves, and Smith Williams for research assistance. He also thanks Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan for supplying their data, available from the AEA website at = 10.1257/0002828042002561
- The simulation data and the computer code used in this paper can be obtained beginning May 2013 through April 2016 from David Neumark, Department of Economics, 3151 Social Science Plaza, UCI, Irvine, CA, 92697, dneumark{at}