Index by author
July 01, 2013; Volume 48,Issue 3
Blanco, German
- You have accessRestricted accessBounds on Average and Quantile Treatment Effects of Job Corps Training on WagesGerman Blanco, Carlos A. Flores and Alfonso Flores-LagunesJournal of Human Resources, July 2013, 48 (3) 659-701; DOI: BlancoCarlos A. Flores
Buckles, Kasey S.
- You have accessRestricted accessAdoption Subsidies and Placement Outcomes for Children in Foster CareKasey S. BucklesJournal of Human Resources, July 2013, 48 (3) 596-627; DOI:
Cheng, Cheng
- You have accessRestricted accessDoes Strengthening Self-Defense Law Deter Crime or Escalate Violence?Evidence from Expansions to Castle DoctrineCheng Cheng and Mark HoekstraJournal of Human Resources, July 2013, 48 (3) 821-854; DOI:
Doran, Kirk B.
- You have accessRestricted accessHow Does Child Labor Affect the Demand for Adult Labor?Evidence from Rural MexicoKirk B. DoranJournal of Human Resources, July 2013, 48 (3) 702-735; DOI:
Flores, Carlos A.
- You have accessRestricted accessBounds on Average and Quantile Treatment Effects of Job Corps Training on WagesGerman Blanco, Carlos A. Flores and Alfonso Flores-LagunesJournal of Human Resources, July 2013, 48 (3) 659-701; DOI: BlancoCarlos A. Flores
Flores-lagunes, Alfonso
- You have accessRestricted accessBounds on Average and Quantile Treatment Effects of Job Corps Training on WagesGerman Blanco, Carlos A. Flores and Alfonso Flores-LagunesJournal of Human Resources, July 2013, 48 (3) 659-701; DOI: BlancoCarlos A. Flores
Ham, John C.
- You have accessRestricted accessCaught in the Bulimic Trap?Persistence and State Dependence of Bulimia Among Young WomenJohn C. Ham, Daniela Iorio and Michelle SovinskyJournal of Human Resources, July 2013, 48 (3) 736-767; DOI: C. HamDaniela Iorio
Hoekstra, Mark
- You have accessRestricted accessDoes Strengthening Self-Defense Law Deter Crime or Escalate Violence?Evidence from Expansions to Castle DoctrineCheng Cheng and Mark HoekstraJournal of Human Resources, July 2013, 48 (3) 821-854; DOI:
Iorio, Daniela
- You have accessRestricted accessCaught in the Bulimic Trap?Persistence and State Dependence of Bulimia Among Young WomenJohn C. Ham, Daniela Iorio and Michelle SovinskyJournal of Human Resources, July 2013, 48 (3) 736-767; DOI: C. HamDaniela Iorio
Kim, Seik
- You have accessRestricted accessWage Mobility of Foreign-Born Workers in the United StatesSeik KimJournal of Human Resources, July 2013, 48 (3) 628-658; DOI: