Research ArticleArticle
Changes in Returns to Task-Specific Skills and Gender Wage Gap
Shintaro Yamaguchi
Journal of Human Resources, January 2018, 53 (1) 32-70; DOI:
Shintaro Yamaguchi
Shintaro Yamaguchi is an associate professor of economics at The University of Tokyo.
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- Autor David
- Altonji Joseph J.,
- Matzkin Rosa L.
- Autor David H.,
- Levy Frank,
- Murnane Richard J.
- Bacolod Marigee,
- Blum Bernardo S.
- Beaudry Paul,
- Lewis Ethan
- Berman Eli,
- Bound John,
- Griliches Zvi
- Blanchflower David G.,
- Bryson Alex
- Blau Francine D.,
- Kahn Lawrence M.
- Borghans Lex,
- ter Weel Bas,
- Weinberg Bruce A.
- Card David
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- DiNardo John E.
- DiNardo John,
- Fortin Nicole M.,
- Lemieux Thomas
- Flood Sarah,
- King Miriam,
- Ruggles Steven,
- Warren J. Robert
- Galor Oded,
- Weil David N.
- Gathmann Christina,
- Schönberg Uta
- Gibbons Robert,
- Katz Lawrence F.,
- Lemieux Thomas,
- Parent Daniel
- Greenacre Michael
- Heckman James J.,
- Sedlacek Guilherme
- Lawrence Robert Z.,
- Slaughter Matthew J.
- Lee David S.
- Ma Shujie,
- Racine Jeffrey S.,
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- Mulligan Casey B.,
- Rubinstein Yona
- Oaxaca Ronald L.,
- Ransom Michael R.
- Poletaev Maxim,
- Robinson Chris
- Rendall Michelle
- Sachs Jeffrey D.,
- Shatz Howard J.
- Sanders Carl
- Teulings Coen
- Wooldridge Jeffrey M.
- Yamaguchi Shintaro
In this issue
Journal of Human Resources
Vol. 53, Issue 1
1 Jan 2018
Changes in Returns to Task-Specific Skills and Gender Wage Gap
Shintaro Yamaguchi
Journal of Human Resources Jan 2018, 53 (1) 32-70; DOI: 10.3368/jhr.53.1.1214-6813R2