Research ArticleArticles
Does Education Affect Attitudes towards Immigration?
Evidence from Germany
Shushanik Margaryan, Annemarie Paul and Thomas Siedler
Journal of Human Resources, March 2021, 56 (2) 446-479; DOI:
Shushanik Margaryan
Shushanik Margaryan is a doctoral student in the Department of Economics at the Universität Hamburg
Annemarie Paul
Annemarie Paul is a former postdoctoral research associate in the Department of Economics at the Universität Hamburg.
Thomas Siedler
Thomas Siedler is a professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Potsdam, and is also affiliated with DIW Berlin, IZA, and Universität Hamburg.
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In this issue
Journal of Human Resources
Vol. 56, Issue 2
31 Mar 2021
Does Education Affect Attitudes towards Immigration?
Shushanik Margaryan, Annemarie Paul, Thomas Siedler
Journal of Human Resources Mar 2021, 56 (2) 446-479; DOI: 10.3368/jhr.56.2.0318-9372R1
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