Table of Contents
May 01, 2022; Volume 57,Issue 3
Aguirre, Josefa
- You have accessRestricted accessHow Can Progressive Vouchers Help the Poor Benefit from School Choice? Evidence from the Chilean Voucher SystemView ORCID ProfileJosefa AguirreJournal of Human Resources, May 2022, 57 (3) 956-997; DOI: AguirreJosefa Aguirre is a professor at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Escuela de Gobierno.
Beuermann, Diether W.
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Short- and Long-Run Effects of Attending the Schools that Parents PreferView ORCID ProfileDiether W. Beuermann and View ORCID ProfileC. Kirabo JacksonJournal of Human Resources, May 2022, 57 (3) 725-746; DOI: W. BeuermannLead Research Economist at the Inter-American Development Bank ()C. Kirabo Jacksonthe Abraham Harris Professor of Education and Social Policy Faculty Fellow at Northwestern University ().
Even, William E.
- You have accessRestricted accessGreek Life, Academics, and EarningsView ORCID ProfileWilliam E. Even and View ORCID ProfileAustin C. SmithJournal of Human Resources, May 2022, 57 (3) 998-1032; DOI: E. EvenWilliam Even is a professor emeritus of economics at Miami University and a research fellow at IZA.Austin C. SmithAustin Smith is an associate professor of economics at Miami University and a research affiliate at IZA ().
Filho, Irineu De Carvalho
- Open AccessLong-Run Impacts of Intergovernmental TransfersIrineu de Carvalho Filho and View ORCID ProfileStephan LitschigJournal of Human Resources, May 2022, 57 (3) 868-917; DOI: de Carvalho FilhoIrineu de Carvalho Filho is a Principal Economist at the Monetary Authority of Singapore.Stephan LitschigStephan Litschig is Professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Tokyo ()
Hall, Caroline
- You have accessRestricted accessScreening through Activation? Differential Effects of a Youth Activation ProgramView ORCID ProfileCaroline Hall, Kaisa Kotakorpi, Linus Liljeberg and View ORCID ProfileJukka PirttiläJournal of Human Resources, May 2022, 57 (3) 1033-1077; DOI: HallCaroline Hall is a researcher and associate professor at IFAU and Uppsala Center for Labour Studies (UCLS) ()Kaisa KotakorpiKaisa Kotakorpi is a professor at Tampere University and VATT Institute for Economic Research.Linus LiljebergLinus Liljeberg is a research officer at IFAU.Jukka PirttiläJukka Pirttilä is a professor at University of Helsinki, VATT Institute for Economic Research, and Helsinki GSE.
Heissel, Jennifer A.
- You have accessRestricted accessDoes Pollution Drive Achievement? The Effect of Traffic Pollution on Academic PerformanceView ORCID ProfileJennifer A. Heissel, View ORCID ProfileClaudia Persico and David SimonJournal of Human Resources, May 2022, 57 (3) 747-776; DOI: A. Heisselassistant professor of manpower and economics at the Naval Postgraduate School.Claudia Persicoassistant professor in public administration and policy at American University and a research affiliate at the IZA Institute of Labor Economics ().David Simonassistant professor of economics at the University of Connecticut and a faculty research fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Jackson, C. Kirabo
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Short- and Long-Run Effects of Attending the Schools that Parents PreferView ORCID ProfileDiether W. Beuermann and View ORCID ProfileC. Kirabo JacksonJournal of Human Resources, May 2022, 57 (3) 725-746; DOI: W. BeuermannLead Research Economist at the Inter-American Development Bank ()C. Kirabo Jacksonthe Abraham Harris Professor of Education and Social Policy Faculty Fellow at Northwestern University ().
Johnson, Matthew S.
- You have accessRestricted accessWhy Are Low-Wage Workers Signing Noncompete Agreements?View ORCID ProfileMatthew S. Johnson and View ORCID ProfileMichael LipsitzJournal of Human Resources, May 2022, 57 (3) 689-724; DOI: S. JohnsonMatthew Johnson is an Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Economics at Duke University, Sanford School of Public PolicyMichael LipsitzMichael Lipsitz is an Economist at the Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Economics ().
Kotakorpi, Kaisa
- You have accessRestricted accessScreening through Activation? Differential Effects of a Youth Activation ProgramView ORCID ProfileCaroline Hall, Kaisa Kotakorpi, Linus Liljeberg and View ORCID ProfileJukka PirttiläJournal of Human Resources, May 2022, 57 (3) 1033-1077; DOI: HallCaroline Hall is a researcher and associate professor at IFAU and Uppsala Center for Labour Studies (UCLS) ()Kaisa KotakorpiKaisa Kotakorpi is a professor at Tampere University and VATT Institute for Economic Research.Linus LiljebergLinus Liljeberg is a research officer at IFAU.Jukka PirttiläJukka Pirttilä is a professor at University of Helsinki, VATT Institute for Economic Research, and Helsinki GSE.
Lavy, Victor
- You have accessRestricted accessEmpowering Mothers and Enhancing Early Childhood InvestmentEffect on Adults’ Outcomes and Children’s Cognitive and Noncognitive SkillsVictor Lavy, View ORCID ProfileGiulia Lotti and View ORCID ProfileZizhong YanJournal of Human Resources, May 2022, 57 (3) 821-867; DOI: LavyVictor Lavy is Professor at the University of Warwick and at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, affiliated with NBER and CEPR ().Giulia LottiGiulia Lotti is Senior Economist at the Inter-American Development Bank, affiliated with CAGE Warwick.Zizhong YanZizhong Yan is Assistant Professor at the Institute for Economic and Social Research in Jinan University.
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