Research ArticleArticles
Contemporary State Policies and Intergenerational Income Mobility
View ORCID ProfileLars J. Lefgren, View ORCID ProfileJaren C. Pope and View ORCID ProfileDavid P. Sims
Journal of Human Resources, July 2022, 57 (4) 1107-1146; DOI:
Lars J. Lefgren
Lars J. Lefgren is a Professor of Economics at Brigham Young University.
Jaren C. Pope
Jaren C. Pope is a Professor of Economics at Brigham Young University.
David P. Sims
David P. Sims is a Professor of Economics at Brigham Young University ().

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- Lefgren, Lars,
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In this issue
Journal of Human Resources
Vol. 57, Issue 4
1 Jul 2022
Contemporary State Policies and Intergenerational Income Mobility
Lars J. Lefgren, Jaren C. Pope, David P. Sims
Journal of Human Resources Jul 2022, 57 (4) 1107-1146; DOI: 10.3368/jhr.57.4.0717-8921R1
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- Article
- I. Introduction
- II. Economic Mobility and Public Policy
- III. Data
- IV. The Impact of Specific State Policies on Intergenerational Mobility
- V. An Omnibus Test of the Importance of State Policies
- VI. Program Evaluations and County-Level Evidence: Why Do They Diverge?
- VII. Conclusion
- Footnotes
- References
- Figures & Data
- Info & Metrics
- References
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