I study whether human capital investments are based on local rather than national demand, using two positive and two negative shocks with differential local effects: the dot-com crash, the fracking boom, the 2008 financial crisis, and the shock making Delaware a financial headquarters. I find impacts on the share of sector-relevant degrees awarded following these shocks, on average across the United States. However, universities in areas more exposed to sectoral shocks experience greater changes in sector-relevant majors. Differential impacts on major choice at the most exposed universities account for 15–45 percent of the overall national effect on sector-relevant degrees.
I. Introduction
Many college majors represent an investment in sector- or occupation-specific skills. Without the relevant major, entry into these sectors or occupations is difficult to impossible. Given wage differentials across sectors and occupations, these decisions may become important for an individual’s career and lifetime earnings.1 These decisions also have important aggregate implications, as they help determine supply of skills in the labor market.
This work analyzes whether individuals choose sector-specific human capital investments, specifically college major, based on local labor demand, rather than national demand. The relevance of this question is underscored by two facts. First, there are dramatic differences in labor demand across local markets, and substantial geographic concentration of industries. In the United States, examples include the computer sector in Silicon Valley, finance in New York, and oil and gas in Wyoming.2 Second, geographic mobility is limited and declining even among highly educated individuals. From 2001 to 2010, annual interstate migration of college-educated individuals was 2.1 percent, roughly half the rate in the 1980s (Molloy, Smith, and Wozniak 2011).3 The first fact suggests investments based on local demand may differ significantly from those based on national demand. The second suggests local demand may affect investments, given that college-educated individuals are increasingly less likely to move across markets.
This is the first study, of which I am aware, studying the impact of local, sector-specific labor demand on local, sector-specific human capital production (college major) across the entire United States. Individuals may make investments based on local rather than national demand because of migration frictions or because of information frictions that cause a lack of awareness of nationwide job prospects. Investments based on local demand may be individually optimal if they are explained by strong location preferences. However, if individuals make investments based on local demand due to information frictions, this suggests an important role for policy improvements. Regardless of the mechanism, the consequences for the aggregate economy are potentially large if individuals invest based on local demand, and this causes mismatch between the aggregate supply of sector-specific skills and demand for these skills.4
It is possible to directly observe the correlation between sector-specific human capital investments, local, and national labor demand. However, these correlations alone would not be convincing evidence for this local elasticity, as endogeneity concerns make causality difficult to establish. Local demand may respond to, not determine, local human capital investments.
Using four sector-specific exogenous shocks with differential local effects, I test for changes in the share of relevant majors following these shocks. I then test whether universities in areas more exposed to these shocks experience greater changes in the share of sector-relevant majors. I focus on computer science and computer engineering (CS/CE) majors after the dot-com crash in 2000, geology majors after the boom in oil and gas enabled by hydraulic fracturing (fracking), finance majors after the 2008 financial crisis, and business majors after Delaware became an international center for financial services in the early 1980s, following a U.S. Supreme Court decision and subsequent state legislation.
While there are clear differences between these shocks, they all had large sector-specific employment effects in some local markets and smaller or zero effects in others. Investing based on local demand would yield significantly different major choices compared to investing based on national demand. I also exploit that for each shock the timing was exogenous to the number of majors, and there is a close mapping to demand for a particular major.
I show that, on average, universities experience a change in the share of sector-relevant degrees after these shocks, using university-level data on completions by major from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). At their lowest post-bust levels in 2009, the share of CS/CE degrees awarded had fallen 2.2 percentage points (51 percent) on average at universities across the United States. At their highest post-fracking boom levels in 2014, the share of geology degrees awarded had increased 0.12 percentage points (52 percent) on average. At their lowest post-financial crisis levels in 2013, the share of finance degrees awarded had fallen 0.36 percentage points (15 percent) on average. The creation of a financial services center in Delaware did not affect average share of business degrees awarded at universities in Delaware and nearby states. This is consistent with this shock having an effect on financial employment in Delaware, but not in the broader region.
Second, I show college majors respond differentially in areas more exposed to these labor demand shocks. I compare universities more geographically exposed to these shocks, to less-exposed universities whose students experience the same national shock. I estimate the effect of exposure by year, as well as use a more parametric dynamic specification, enabling identification of preexisting trends.
These differential local effects are important in explaining the shocks’ effects on majors nationally. Of the aggregate decline in CS/CE after the dot-com crash, over 20 percent can be explained by differential impacts on majors in top-quartile exposed areas, as opposed to the shock’s national impact on majors affecting all universities equally. Of the overall increase in geology majors after the fracking boom, 14 percent can be explained by differential effects in top-quartile-exposed counties. Of the national decline in finance degrees after the crisis, more than 45 percent can be explained by differential impacts in top-quartile-exposed metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs).
This work contributes to an established and growing literature on how individuals choose human capital investments, and particularly college majors (see Altonji, Blom, and Meghir 2012 for a review).5 A number of these papers have studied how majors respond to national economic conditions.6 Several studies analyze how major choice is affected by local demand.7
A related literature shows local shocks affect the extensive margins of high school completion and college enrollment (Betts and McFarland 1995; Cascio and Narayan 2015; Charles, Hurst, and Notowidigdo 2018). These reflect responses to the opportunity costs of an additional year of schooling. My work’s focus on majors reflects whether individuals tailor those large investments to labor demand, conditional on college attendance.
I contribute to these literatures by focusing on salient national sectoral shocks, which map closely to majors, and how these salient national shocks differentially affect major choice across local labor markets. Except for the financial crisis, I focus on the impact of sectoral shocks that have received little or no coverage in the literature.8 More generally, there are few papers studying changes in major choice after shocks that are highly sector-specific.9 The analysis of the finance shock in Delaware is the first analysis of how human capital investments respond to place-based and local economic development policies, which are prevalent around the world.10
This study also contributes to current policy discussions on CS majors. Presidential administrations have enacted policies to increase access to CS education (Smith 2016; Executive Office of the President 2017). Further, a recent report requested by the National Science Foundation addressed the current all-time high enrollment in CS and how universities should respond in the short and long run (National Academies 2018).11 Understanding students’ decisions to major in CS, and how this is affected by geography and sectoral demand, is crucial for maintaining a strong CS-skilled workforce.
Most generally, I show individuals make investments that enhance their ability to benefit from local shocks. This complements recent work suggesting individuals are affected by local shocks because of low levels of migration (Bartik 2018; Yagan 2019).
This paper proceeds as follows. Section II describes the sectoral shocks and shows they have differential employment effects across local labor markets. Section III presents the data. Section IV describes the empirical strategy identifying the shocks’ impact on major composition and differential impacts across markets. Section V contains the results, and Section VI concludes.
II. Sectoral Shocks with Local Labor Market Impacts
I show these four shocks affected sector employment share differentially across markets, using the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages. If students chose majors based on local labor demand, those in negatively shocked areas would substitute away from sector-relevant degrees. However, if students chose majors based on national demand, these substitutions would be smaller in magnitude.
The dot-com crash began in March 2000 with a steep decline in internet stock prices.12 Figure 1A shows this differentially affected computer employment relative to other sectors, and the effect was much stronger in Silicon Valley. Between 2001 and 2002, the percent of workers employed in “Computer Systems Design and Related Services” fell 0.76 percentage points in Santa Clara County, California, the home of Silicon Valley. In the United States overall, this percentage fell only 0.1 percentage points.
For the second shock, I use the dramatic increase in oil and gas production from the introduction of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and horizontal drilling in the mid-2000s (Figure 1B). Between 2005 and 2011, the percent of workers employed in natural resources and mining increased 15.6 percentage points in McKenzie County, North Dakota. This county experienced the greatest cumulative increase in the value of new fossil fuel production from 2004 to 2014. Nationally, the percent employed in natural resources and mining increased only 0.14 percentage points.
The third shock, the 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent Great Recession, had a differential effect on employment in “Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate” (FIRE) relative to other sectors in New York County (Manhattan). Between 2007 and 2010, the percent employed in FIRE in New York County fell 0.85 percentage points (Figure 1C). Nationally, the percent employed in FIRE had been falling before the 2008 financial crisis. The effect of the crisis and subsequent Great Recession on national FIRE employment relative to other sectors was much weaker than the effect in New York County.
For the fourth shock, I use the creation of an international headquarters for the finance industry in the state of Delaware, resulting from jurisdictional competition and firm relocation. This is likely the least well known of these shocks, but nonetheless represented a dramatic change in the finance industry. Weinstein (2018) analyzes labor market adjustment to this shock.
Prior to 1978, state usury laws determined the interest rate that credit card companies could charge the state’s residents. The US Supreme Court’s ruling in Marquette National Bank of Minneapolis v. First Omaha Service Corp. (1978) allowed a bank to export the highest interest rate allowed by the state in which it is headquartered. In 1981, Delaware eliminated its usury laws, with the passage of the Financial Center Development Act (FCDA). The FCDA also reduced other industry regulation and introduced a regressive tax structure for banks.13 As a result, many companies moved their finance or credit operations to Delaware, starting with J.P. Morgan in 1981. Between 1981 and 1991, the percent of Delaware workers employed in FIRE sectors increased 4.5 percentage points (Figure 1D), based on Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Current Employment Statistics (CES). Nationally, the increase was only 0.3 percentage points.
Each of these sectoral shocks differentially affected sectoral employment share across local labor markets. I will study whether sector-relevant majors differentially respond in areas more exposed to the shocks, which would suggest investments based on local, not just national, demand.
III. Data
I obtain university-level data on bachelor’s degrees awarded by academic discipline. For the dot-com crash, the fracking boom, and the financial crisis, I use IPEDS data.14 For the dot-com crash, I classify computer and information sciences and support services (CS) and computer engineering (CE) majors as sector-relevant degrees. For the financial crisis, I classify finance majors as sector-relevant degrees.15 For the fracking boom, I classify geology majors as the sector-relevant degrees. I focus on geology for several reasons. First, geology is crucial for understanding where to drill. Given the fracking boom involved innovations in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, these skills were arguably especially in demand (Vita 2015). Second, geology is offered at universities around the country regardless of their fracking exposure. Excluding petroleum engineering degrees will very likely lead to underestimating the local elasticity. However, these degrees are offered by very few universities and mostly in fracking-exposed areas.16 Oil and gas companies certainly demand other more widely offered engineering degrees, such as chemical, mechanical, and civil engineering. However, these degrees are also demanded by other sectors that may have their own cycles during this period.
Studying Delaware’s finance labor demand shock requires earlier university-level data. I obtain Bachelor’s degrees awarded by university and academic discipline for 1966–2013 from the IPEDS Completions Survey. These data are accessed from the Integrated Science and Engineering Resources Data System of the National Science Foundation. I focus on business and management majors in this part of the analysis as degrees by four-digit CIP codes are not available in these earlier years.17
Using the American Community Survey (ACS), pooling the 2009–2017 surveys, Table 1 confirms these are the relevant degrees for the industry. I show the share of employed 23–25-year-olds working in the affected industry by field of degree.18 To focus on degrees that are similarly awarded, I limit to majors constituting at least 0.2 percent of all degrees awarded, which is the proportion for the oil-and-gas-relevant majors. There may be some very relevant majors that are not widely offered across the United States, making it difficult to study differential responses by shock exposure. For example, 46 percent of petroleum engineering majors work in the oil and gas sector, but they constitute only 0.06 percent of degrees, reflecting that few universities offer these degrees.
Recent graduates with majors classified as relevant are much more likely employed in the computer, oil and gas, and finance industries than graduates in majors with the highest proportion employed in the sector, outside of those classified as relevant. The sector-relevant majors are also much more likely to work in the sector than the average major, excluding classified sector-relevant majors, the top three majors not classified as relevant, and the bottom five not classified as relevant. If few students would switch between the sector-relevant major and these least-relevant majors, changes in the latter around the sectoral shock may imply the shock affected student composition at the university. I will use the Table 1 categories to implement a placebo analysis testing for this possibility.
To determine the exposure of the university’s local labor market to the dot-com crash and financial crisis, I obtain the share employed in computers and finance using the IPUMS USA 2000 Census 5 percent sample (Ruggles et al. 2015). I classify as computer-related industries the BLS-defined high-technology industries that are relevant for the computer industry.19 I include the FIRE industries, excluding insurance and real estate, as finance-related industries.20 Using the person weights, I obtain the weighted sum of individuals by industry and metropolitan area.21 I merge the data on share employed in computers and finance to the university-level data using the 2013 MSA.
Many universities are not in MSAs, and some MSAs are not represented in the census. For these categories, the principal results assume percent employed in computers or finance is zero. Approximately 32 percent of universities and 25 percent of all degrees (in 2000) cannot be matched to MSA employment for one of the reasons above. For robustness, I exclude these universities from the sample.
For fracking exposure, I obtain annual data on the value of oil and gas production from wells drilled for the first time that year (in 2014 dollars), within 200 miles of each county, from Feyrer, Mansur, and Sacerdote (2017).22 Papers studying the impact of fracking on the local economy often use an instrument for fracking exposure, since the decision of where to frack within the shale may be correlated with local economic characteristics, and trends in the outcome. However, it is much less likely that the decision of where to frack is correlated with trends in oil-and-gas-related degrees awarded by local universities.23 This measure of exposure captures geographic areas experiencing new production due to fracking by directly using drilling data; this may not be as cleanly identified using industry employment.24
To determine the university’s local labor market exposure to Delaware’s finance shock, I calculate distance between the university and Wilmington, DE (the city where the shock was concentrated) using the university’s latitude and longitude.25 Because this was a Delaware-specific shock, I limit the sample of universities to those in Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia, and West Virginia.
I confirm the sector-relevant majors are awarded widely across the United States, in areas with lower and higher sectoral employment concentration (Online Appendix Figure A1). This validates the exercise of studying differential response of these majors by shock exposure. While their pre-shock share is lowest in the least exposed areas, it is still nontrivial. Comparing areas with medium exposure to those with the most exposure, the share of sector-relevant degrees is often quite similar before the shock. It is clear that the most-exposed areas do not award all of the sector-relevant degrees. For three out of the four shocks, the top 1 percent of exposed areas, unweighted by total degrees awarded, award no more than 3 percent of sector-relevant degrees in the year before the graduates were freshman at the shock’s onset. For the 2008 financial crisis, the top 1 percent of exposed areas produce approximately 12 percent of sector-relevant degrees.26
IV. Identifying Sectoral Shocks’ Effects on Majors
I start by estimating: (1)
The regression estimates the share of sector-relevant majors over time, relative to the omitted year, t*. Because I include university fixed effects, this regression gives the average within university change in sector-relevant major share after the sectoral shock.
The variable Share(Majorsct) denotes the share of relevant majors at university c in year t. The coefficients δt identify the average within-university change in share relevant majors in year t relative to t*, in which the graduates were freshmen at the shock’s onset (2003 for the dot-com shock, 2009 for the fracking boom, 2011 for the finance shock, and 1985 for the Delaware shock).27 As a rough measure of the fracking boom onset, I use the year in which fracking success had been publicized in at least 25 percent of shale plays (2006), using publicity data from Bartik, Currie, Greenstone, and Knittel (2019).
The variable TotDegreesct denotes the total Bachelor’s degrees awarded by university c in year t. I weight the observations by TotDegreesct, ensuring changes at larger universities get more weight than those at smaller universities. I cluster standard errors at the university level.28
The coefficients δt are the coefficients of interest for understanding the nationwide impact of the shock on relevant degrees. The main identification assumption is that a shock’s timing is not caused by changes in major or correlated with other factors differentially affecting sector-relevant majors. Estimating the effects by year provides important evidence on the strength of the identification assumption.
Estimating effects by year is important for two additional reasons. First, these were not one-time shocks. Their magnitude changed over time, and perceptions about a shock’s persistence may also have changed. Second, these specifications allow me to identify how quickly degree completions respond to the initial shock. I do not separately identify dynamic effects from an original shock relative to contemporaneous effects as the shock evolves. However, I will analyze changes in major composition in the years after the shock’s onset and relate those changes to demand.
I also estimate similar regressions constraining the phase-in and prior trends to be linear: (2)
To best capture immediate effects, I include only post-policy years within five years of the shock. I include the ten years preceding the shock and censor the trend variable (t – t*) at –5 (as in Lafortune, Rothstein, and Schanzenbach 2018). The ten years preceding the Great Recession include another recession and recovery. To best capture the boom immediately preceding the shock, for this shock I include only the five years preceding t*. The coefficients βtrend reflect whether universities experienced greater changes in sector-specific majors preceding these shocks.
Based on the coefficients in Equation 2, I obtain the effect of these sectoral shocks relative to the year preceding the shocks. I present results showing the effect for the first graduates exposed as freshmen (t*) and five years after the first graduates exposed as freshmen (t* + 5). The impact of the shock in year t* relative to t* – 1 is: (βjump + βtrend). The impact in year t* + 5 relative to t* –1 is: (βjump + 5βphasein + 6βtrend).
Next, I identify whether universities in more exposed areas experience larger changes in major composition: (3)
The variable Exposurem denotes the extent to which university c is exposed to the shock, given its location in area m. For the dot-com crash and 2008 financial crisis, this is the share of metropolitan area m’s employment in 2000 in the computer sector and the share in the finance sector, respectively. For the fracking boom, I use whether the county’s cumulative value of new oil and gas production from 2004 to 2014 is within the top quartile. For Delaware’s shock, Exposure is one for universities within 15 miles of Wilmington, DE.29
The coefficients βr identify the differential effect on majors in each year in areas more exposed to the industry. These effects are also estimated in years before t* as kmin < 0. The main identification assumption is that the timing and local exposure to the shocks are not caused by local changes in major or correlated with other factors differentially affecting majors in exposed areas.
I also estimate the counterpart to Equation 2: (4)
Specifications 3 and 4 identify differential changes in major composition at more exposed universities. These may be driven by students at these universities changing majors or by a changing composition of students at these universities. Either suggests these shocks have effects on human capital investment decisions—either where or what to study. Changes in the national proportion of sector-relevant degrees surrounding these shocks suggest significant numbers of students changed majors in response to the shocks, and differential local effects are not explained by students changing universities. The placebo analysis and robustness section present further evidence suggesting the results are not driven by changing student composition.
V. The Effect of Sectoral Shocks on Major Composition
A. Average Effect across All Universities
National sectoral shocks cause large within-university changes in major composition (Table 2). Figure 2 shows the nonparametric (Equation 1) and parametric (Equation 2) results closely match for most of the shocks. However, the speed of the response differs across shocks. This is not surprising given differences in the shocks’ evolution and potential differences across major in the cost of switching. This implies difference-indifference estimates from the parametric specification, which assume t* as the first treatment year, will not capture the true effect. For consistency, I report these results as well as differences-in-differences based on the nonparametric specification and identifying the first year in which sector-relevant major share appears to respond.
The share of degrees awarded in CS/CE began a sharp decline starting in 2004, the year after the first graduates exposed as freshmen. The share continued to decline through 2009. For graduates in 2009, the share CS/CE majors was on average 2.2 percentage points lower (p ≤ 0.01) than the share at the same university in 2003, the year before the decline began. In 2003, on average 4.3 percent of a university’s degrees awarded were in CS/CE (weighted by total degrees). Thus, a decline of 2.2 percentage points reflects a 2.2/4.3 = 51 percent decline in the proportion of CS/CE degrees awarded as a result of the dot-com crash. This almost exactly reverses the increase in share CS/CE degrees during the dot-com boom, when the share CS/CE degrees increased on average 1.9 percentage points from 1995 through 2003.
The share of degrees awarded in geology increased first in 2008, two years after publicity of success in 25 percent of shale plays, and the year before the first graduates exposed as freshmen. The share continued to increase through 2014. For graduates in 2014, the share of geology majors was on average 0.12 percentage points higher (p ≤ 0.01) than the share at the same university in 2007, the year before the increase began. In 2007, on average 0.23 percent of auniversity’s degrees are awarded in geology. Thus, universities experience an average 0.12/0.23 = 52 percent increase in the proportion of geology degrees awarded as a result of the fracking boom.
The share of degrees awarded in finance fell for the first time in 2010, two years after the onset of the crisis, and the year before the first graduates exposed as freshmen. The share continued to fall through 2013. For graduates in 2013, the share finance majors was on average 0.36 percentage points lower than the share at the same university in 2009, the year before the decrease began (p ≤ 0.01). In 2009, on average 2.43 percent of a university’s degrees awarded are in finance. Thus, universities experience an average 0.36/2.43 = 15 percent decline in the proportion of finance degrees awarded.
Financial relocation to Delaware did not on average affect the share of business majors at all universities in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. This is consistent with this shock being highly localized, without broad effects on regional employment.
The response to the dot-com crash appears to operate with a greater lag relative to the other shocks.30 Initial course investments presumably make switching majors costly, and this may be most costly in STEM fields. Lagged effects imply potentially very adverse effects for students entering during a boom, but graduating during a bust. In the case of a positive shock, it may mean students miss entering an industry at an advantageous time.
For each shock that affects major choice, sector-relevant majors in the pre-shock period were not trending in the same direction as in the post-shock period. For the dot-com crash and financial crisis, the pre-shock trend was the reverse of the post-shock trend.31 This is consistent with the periods preceding the dot-com crash and financial crisis being sectoral boom periods (Figure 1). These pre-trends mitigate concerns that the identification assumption is violated.
Effects on major composition during these pre-shock boom periods also suggest a relationship between demand and human capital investments, although subject to endogeneity concerns. Job growth may have responded to university specialization, rather than the reverse. I focus on the crashes since these shocks are more clearly exogenous.
B. Differential Effects at More Geographically Exposed Universities
Effects on sector-specific majors are larger at universities in more exposed areas. Figure 3 shows the coefficients from estimating Regressions 3 and 4. As above, I report differences-in-differences based on the nonparametric specification and based on the parametric specification in Table 3.
For 2009 graduates, the dot-com crash reduced the share of CS/CE majors by an additional 1.7 percentage points at universities whose MSA computer employment share was higher by ten percentage points, relative to graduates from the same university in 2003 (Row 8).32 This effect is statistically significant at the 1 percent level. In 2003, on average 5.4 percent of degrees awarded are in CS/CE, among universities whose MSA computer employment share is at least 0.1 (weighted by total degrees). For these universities, this additional decline of 1.7 percentage points represents a 31 percent decline in their share of CS/CE degrees awarded.
For 2014 graduates, the fracking boom increased the share of geology majors an additional 0.1 percentage points at universities in top-quartile-exposed counties, relative to graduates from the same university in 2007 (p ≥ 0.05). In 2007; on average 0.28 percent of degrees are awarded in geology at universities in top-quartile-exposed counties. For these universities, this additional increase of 0.1 percentage points represents a 36 percent increase in their share geology degrees awarded.
For 2013 graduates, the 2008 financial crisis reduced the share of finance majors by an additional 0.25 percentage points at universities whose MSA finance employment share was higher by five percentage points, relative to 2009 graduates from the same university (p = 0.12).33 In 2009, on average 3.5 percent of degrees awarded are in finance, among universities where MSA finance employment share is at least 0.05. For these universities, this additional decline of 0.25 percentage points represents a 7 percent decline in their share finance degrees awarded.34
Five years after the first-exposed graduates, Delaware’s finance shock increased the share of business majors by an additional 5.9 percentage points at Wilmington-area universities, relative to graduates the year before the first-exposed graduates. In 1984, on average 21.6 percent of degrees awarded are in business, among universities within 15 miles of Wilmington, DE. For these universities, this additional increase of 5.9 percentage points represents a 27 percent increase in their share business degrees awarded.
Figure 3 shows pre-shock trends in the effect of exposure are not in the same direction as post-shock trends. Further, for three of the shocks, the pre-shock trend in the effect of exposure on sector-relevant majors was the reverse of the post-shock trend. This is consistent with the periods preceding the negative dot-com crash and financial crisis being boom periods for the industry, and the period preceding Delaware’s positive shock being a bust period for FIRE Employment in Delaware (Figure 1). Differential effects in more exposed areas during these pre-shock boom or bust periods also imply a relationship between local demand and human capital investments, although subject to the endogeneity concerns discussed above.
However, larger increases at exposed universities in the preceding booms may suggest new majors produced during the boom were more marginal at these universities. This may explain the greater decline in the bust rather than locally driven investments. However, except for the dot-com crash and the 2008 financial crisis, for the other shocks there was no national pre-trend in the opposite direction that created or eliminated marginal majors. These shocks also produce differential local responses, reducing concerns that results reflect more marginal majors at exposed universities. Further, if exposed universities produced the most marginal CS or finance majors during the boom, this may quite plausibly be explained by investments based on local demand.
C. Local Exposure’s Role in Explaining National Changes
I next determine the extent to which national changes in CS/CE, geology, and finance degrees are explained by national conditions equally affecting universities, as opposed to differential impacts in more exposed areas. I use the coefficients from Regression 3 to implement a simple accounting exercise. I do not focus on Delaware’s finance shock since this less clearly represented a national increase in demand for business majors.
The year fixed effects, δt, from Regression 3 identify the impact on the share of relevant majors experienced by all universities, regardless of their exposure.35 I multiply * TotDegrees to obtain the change in relevant degrees at each university attributed to national factors, as predicted by the regression. Summing across all universities, I obtain the national change in relevant degrees attributed to national factors, equally affecting all universities.
Similarly, I multiply by Exposurem * TotDegrees to obtain the change in relevant degrees at each university attributed to differential shock exposure. Summing across all universities, I obtain the national change in relevant degrees attributed to differential exposure. If all universities were equally affected by these shocks, regardless of exposure, this would be zero.
I evaluate the contribution of local exposure over the same period as the difference-indifference above. Relative to 2003, the number of CS/CE degrees awarded in 2009 was lower by 25,293. Approximately 32 percent of this decrease is explained by differential impacts in more exposed areas and 23 percent by differential impacts in MSAs at the 75th percentile or above (MSA computer-employment share greater than about 3.5 percent), impacts over and above those experienced by all universities regardless of exposure.36
Relative to 2009, the number of finance degrees awarded in 2013 was lower by 2,980. Approximately 67 percent of the decline is explained by differential impacts in more exposed areas, and 46 percent by differential impacts in MSAs at the 75th percentile or above (MSA finance-employment share greater than about 3 percent). Relative to 2007, the number of geology degrees awarded in 2014 was higher by 2,671. Approximately 14 percent of this increase is explained by differential impacts in top-quartile-exposed areas. Because the exposure variable for this shock is an indicator, this underestimates the contribution of local exposure by ignoring areas with exposure less than or equal to the 75th percentile.
Differential effects at universities in top-quartile-exposed areas explain less of the overall change after the fracking boom relative to the dot-com crash and financial crisis, although the percentage is still important. This may be explained by fewer universities in top-quartile fracking exposed areas (300) than top-quartile dot-com or financial crisis exposed areas (439 and 523, respectively). Total degrees awarded in these areas as a percent of all U.S. degrees is similarly smaller (21 percent for fracking, 39 percent for the dot-com crash, and 41 percent for the financial crisis). Fracking exposure within 200 miles may also include universities at which students do not view the shock as local, reducing the estimated effect of differential local exposure.
D. Response to Temporary vs. Long Run Shocks
The dot-com crash and the financial crisis temporarily affected computer and FIRE employment (Figure 1). Nonetheless, students adjusted majors based on the shock, both nationally and differentially at more exposed universities. Shifting out of these majors in the short run may have negatively affected long-run outcomes since the industries recovered, although the recovery was slower for the computer industry. Students immediately after the crash may have overestimated the size or duration of the shock. Alternatively, these students may have understood poor initial placement would have long-run labor market consequences (Kahn 2010; Oreopolous, von Wachter, and Heisz 2012; Oyer 2006, 2008).
After first falling in 2003, computer employment began to grow again in 2006 (Figure 1A) but had not quite fully recovered by 2015. The differentially negative effects of the dot-com crash on CS/CE majors at exposed universities began to reverse by 2010 (Figure 3).37 The differentially negative effects of the financial crisis on finance majors at exposed universities do not appear to reverse when FIRE employment eventually increases, although the estimates are imprecise.
Unlike the dot-com crash and the 2008 financial crisis, Delaware’s finance shock had a long-run impact on sectoral employment. Delaware’s FIRE employment share continued to grow over the 20 years following the policy (Figure 1). If students immediately after the policy understood the long-run employment effects, the effect on business majors would be quite stable over the post-policy period, as we eventually see in Figure 3. Alternatively, the university might not have expanded capacity for business majors, keeping the effects stable despite continued FIRE growth.
E. Change in Student Composition vs. Change in Major Choice: Placebo Analysis
A university’s geographic exposure to shocks may also affect students’ application and enrollment decisions. Universities’ major composition may have changed because of changes in student composition, rather than students changing their major. However, total degrees awarded do not vary by university’s exposure to the shock (Online Appendix Figure A5 and Table A5).
Nonetheless, despite constant enrollment, the students selecting into exposed universities may change. To test this, I implement a placebo exercise, using majors for which we expect few students to be on the margin, and thus minimal substitution, between these and the sector-relevant majors. As a result, any change in these sector-distant majors timed with the sector-specific shock likely does not reflect substitution between majors, but may reflect changes in student composition at the university.38
I identify majors for which we expect minimal substitution using those with the lowest likelihood of employment in the affected sector, based on the ACS and shown in Table 1. These majors arguably require interests and skills quite different from those that are required by the sector and the sector-relevant major. The students who would have chosen the sector-relevant degree preceding a negative shock (for example, CS/CE) are unlikely to be choosing the sector-distant degree after the negative shock (for example, education).
For each university, I obtain the percent of degrees awarded in each year in the five most sector-distant fields.39 I then estimate Regressions 3 and 4 using this as the dependent variable. Sector-distant degrees do not appear to change in the opposite direction as the sector-relevant degrees and with the same timing (Figure 4, Online Appendix Table A9).
While exposed areas experience a larger increase in share sector-distant degrees after the dot-com crash, this is part of a longer trend that began before the shock. Although the individual coefficients from the nonparametric specification are statistically significant only in the post-period, the parametric results suggest the trend in the post-period is not statistically distinguishable from the pre-trend. The trend also continues after 2009, when CS/CE degrees start differentially increasing in exposed areas.40 This suggests the increase in sector-distant degrees does not reflect changing student composition due to a decline in CS/CE degrees, but is instead part of a pre-existing trend in exposed areas.
This pre-existing increasing effect of exposure on sector-distant degrees is explained by education degrees, the largest component of computer-distant degrees (Online Appendix Figure A6).41 Nationally, education degrees fell sharply over this period. In 1990–1991, education degrees represented 10 percent of all bachelor’s degrees awarded in the United States. By 2013–2014, they were roughly 5 percent (National Center for Education Statistics 2018).
Education degrees are also much more concentrated in low-computer employment MSAs. In 1990, the average education degree share in MSAs least exposed to the computer industry was roughly 15 percent, dividing universities into equally sized bins of share computer employment and weighting by total degrees awarded at the university. In the highest-computer exposure MSAs, this was roughly 6 percent. While the share of education degrees fell everywhere, these declines were largest in levels and percentages in MSAs with higher education degree share. Because these are also MSAs with low computer employment share, we see a differential trend in education degree share by computer exposure. Importantly, this starts before, and continues after, the differential negative effect of exposure on the share of CS/CE degrees.
There is some evidence of a differential decline in sector-distant majors following Delaware’s finance shock. As mentioned, I use a different data source for this shock, and I have only 21 broad major classifications for this analysis. Part of the reason we might see a response is because the broad groupings include some less-distant fields, so this might reflect substitution rather than compositional changes.42 However, Online Appendix Figure A7 shows an increase in share of out-of-state students around the time of Delaware’s legislation, though this was also part of a pre-existing trend.
With the possible exception of the Delaware shock, these results suggest changes in share sector-relevant majors do not simply reflect changes in the types of students selecting into exposed universities. Instead, the evidence is consistent with students changing major choice differentially in exposed markets.
F. Robustness
For robustness, I estimate the principal specifications excluding universities not located in an MSA or whose MSA was not represented in the census (rather than setting MSA employment share to zero for those universities). The results show a similar, statistically significant effect for the dot-com crash (Online Appendix Table A4). The effect for the financial crisis is large in magnitude, but unsurprisingly given the drop in sample size, not statistically significant from zero.
Section 2 of the Online Appendix shows the results are robust to using alternative definitions of exposure (Online Appendix Figure A2 and Tables A1 and A2), and to using Ln(Majors) as the dependent variable (Online Appendix Table A7). This mitigates concerns that the larger drop in major share at more-exposed universities is explained by larger levels at these universities. Section 2 of the Online Appendix also shows results from testing for differential impacts at top 20 US News and World Report universities (Online Appendix Table A6). The magnitudes are generally larger at non-top-20 universities, except for the fracking boom for which only two of the top 20 universities are in the top quartile of exposure. However, differences are not always precisely estimated.
VI. Conclusion
I study whether college majors are influenced by local rather than national labor demand. I test for changes in sector-relevant majors after sector-specific local labor demand shocks and whether these changes are greater at more geographically exposed universities. I analyze four sectoral shocks with local effects: the 2000 dot-com crash, the fracking boom, the 2008 financial crisis, and the shock making Delaware a global financial headquarters.
First, these sectoral shocks affect within-university sector-relevant major share, using university-level data on degree completions by academic discipline for 1966–2016. Second, universities in areas more exposed to these shocks experience greater changes in sector-relevant majors. Of the national change in sector-relevant degrees after these shocks, differential effects at the most-exposed universities explain 23 percent (dotcom), 14 percent (fracking), and 46 percent (financial crisis). These are impacts over and above those experienced by all universities regardless of exposure.
Investing in human capital based on local labor demand may yield mismatch between aggregate supply of skills and aggregate demand. This may help explain why young college-educated individuals have much higher unemployment rates than older individuals (National Center for Education Statistics 2015), a puzzle from earlier literature (Blanchflower and Freeman 2000). This local dependence may also affect aggregate productivity if individuals are not matched to the job in which they are most productive.
Policy implications depend on whether the local elasticity is explained by information frictions or location preferences. If students invest based on local demand due to location preferences, encouraging human capital investments based on national demand may increase mismatch for students with strong preferences. Identifying the mechanism explaining the local elasticity is an important area for research, as some recent initiatives have provided information on national demand to college-going students, while others provide information on local demand.43 Most generally, the results show individuals make human capital investment decisions that enhance their ability to benefit from local economic shocks.
The author thanks Joe Altonji, Alex Bartik, Mark Borgschulte, Liz Cascio, Andy Garin, Josh Goodman, Shawn Kantor, Kevin Lang, Daniele Paserman, Bruce Sacerdote, Johannes Schmieder, Kevin Shih, Ken Simons, Alex Whalley, Yury Yatsynovich, and seminar participants at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Florida State University, the IZA Junior/Senior Workshop, the Urban Economics Association Meetings, University of Kansas, Econometric Society Winter Meeting, Society of Labor Economists Meeting, and the Upjohn Institute for helpful comments and conversations, as well as Lisa Gensel of the University of Delaware Archives and Record Management for providing data and documents. Kunio Kohama provided excellent research assistance. The author has no funding to disclose. All data in the paper are publicly available with sources described in the paper, with the exception of the data used to analyze college majors after Delaware’s finance shock. The data for studying Delaware’s shock are available in the Online Appendix of Replication Materials, along with the programs used to construct the tables and figures in the paper and the Online Appendix.
Color versions of some graphs in this article are available through online subscription at: http://jhr.uwpress.org
Supplementary materials are freely available online at: http://uwpress.wisc.edu/journals/journals/jhr-supplementary.html
↵1. Altonji, Blom, and Meghir (2012) document large wage differences across major.
↵2. Based on the QCEW, in 2007 FIRE employment represented 16 percent of employment in New York County (Manhattan), but 7 percent in the United States. Similarly, in 2001, employment in computer systems design and related services made up 6 percent of employment in Santa Clara County (home of Silicon Valley), but only 1 percent in the United States. In 2014, employment in natural resources and mining constituted 10 percent of employment in Wyoming, but 1.5 percent in the United States. Ellison and Glaeser (1997) show geographic concentration of manufacturing industries.
↵3. Related, Manning and Petrongolo (2017) find distance has a strong effect on job search for unemployed workers.
↵4. Hastings, Nielson, and Zimmerman (2015): Stinebrickner and Stinebrickner (2013); and Wiswall and Zafar (2015) present evidence suggesting factors other than information are more important in explaining why students pursue lower-earning majors. Hastings, Nielson, and Zimmerman (2015) look specifically at the role of location preferences, showing Chilean students’ institution/major choices would respond more to earnings information if not for strong preferences over geography and institution.
↵5. A related literature shows the return to higher education varies considerably across major (Kinsler and Pavan 2015; Lang and Weinstein 2013; see Altonji, Blom, and Meghir 2012 for a review) and also that the effect of graduating in a recession varies by college major (Altonji, Kahn, and Speer 2016).
↵6. Studies include Blom, Cadena, and Keys (2015); Ersoy (2017); Liu, Sun, and Winters (2017).
↵7. Using data on graduates of eight Washington state public universities from 2007–2012, Long, Goldhaber, and Huntington-Klein (2015) find major choice is more strongly correlated with major-specific wages of recent same-state graduates than with CPS wages of major-related occupations. Ersoy (2017) studies changes in major allocation after the Great Recession based on the local severity of the recession. Foote and Grosz (2020) study the effect of local mass layoffs in any industry on enrollment at two-year colleges and field of study for subbaccalaureate degrees.
↵8. Bound et al. (2015) develop a model of the labor market for computer scientists, in which the supply of recent graduates is one factor, but they do not focus on response to the bust. Han and Winters (2019) study major choice during the energy boom and bust of the 1970s using the American Community Survey.
↵9. Choi, Lou, and Mukherjee (2016) study changes based on skewness of stock market returns within an industry, and Bardhan, Hicks and Jaffee (2013) use occupation-specific age structure. The Freeman (1975, 1976) cobweb models study engineering and law.
↵10. Local policies to attract or retain firms cost local governments 80 billion dollars per year in the United States (Story 2012).
↵11. In commissioned papers for the National Academies report, Bound and Morales (2018) and Hunt (2018) show CS degrees in the United States as a share of total U.S. bachelor’s degrees increased in the boom and decreased in the bust.
↵12. This occurred for reasons arguably unrelated to negative news about internet stock fundamentals (DeLong and Magin 2006; Ofek and Richardson 2001). Similarly, the NASDAQ nearly doubled in the year leading up to its peak in the first months of 2000, without positive news about stock fundamentals to justify this increase (DeLong and Magin 2006).
↵13. Weinstein (2018) lists other provisions. The description of the FCDA is based on Moulton (1983).
↵14. For these shocks, I limit the sample to universities existing in the 2013 IPEDS data with a 2000 Carnegie code. I include only doctoral/research, master’s, baccalaureate, and baccalaureate/associates colleges as ranked in the 2000 Carnegie rankings. To calculate total degrees by major, I include both first and second majors in the given field, except prior to 2001 when this distinction is not available. Total degrees awarded at the university also sums all first and second majors. Degrees awarded by field excludes students who initiated a degree in the field, but did not successfully complete the degree in that field. This misses some aspect of how students choose major field.
↵15. See the Online Appendix for CIP codes (Section 1.2) and results using only CS majors (Figure A3 and Table A3). Universities differ in whether they offer CS and CE, or only one. Both CS and CE responded to the dot-com cycle (National Academies 2018).
↵16. See Online Appendix Section 1.2.
↵17. See Online Appendix Section 1.2 for data details.
↵18. I use the census general field of degree codes. However, I use the detailed codes for business, social sciences, physical sciences, and engineering as the sector-relevant majors are classified under the detailed codes in these fields. I use the detailed codes for social sciences to evaluate the extent to which economics majors enter finance, as this field is potentially much more likely to enter finance than other social sciences.
↵19. I use the BLS definition of high-technology industries from Hecker (2005). This uses the 1997 NAICS codes, while I use the 2000 Census Classification Code. These match quite well, with several minor exceptions. See the Online Appendix for these exceptions, as well as the industries I classify as computer-related.
↵20. See Online Appendix Section 1.1.
↵21. I include individuals 18–65 who worked last year, not living in group quarters, and not in the military.
↵22. Production only in the first year a well was drilled is arguably a reasonable proxy for overall production attributed to fracking. Newell, Prest, and Vissing (2016) show that most of the production from a given well occurs within the first 12 months of drilling. Feyrer, Mansur, and Sacerdote (2017) show that most of the gains in mining and natural resources wages and employment, which are relevant for geology majors, are concentrated around the time the well is first drilled.
↵23. However, it is possible that trends in oil-and-gas-related degrees are correlated with another variable that is correlated with the decision of where to frack.
↵24. One potential reason is that an employment-based measure may include areas with high industry concentration, but not experiencing the fracking boom. Additionally, employment data may not always correspond to where the work is performed, as BLS asks employers to report workers at the office responsible for their supervision. This could yield some areas with high fracking exposure, but less high employment if it is reported at a distant branch office.
↵25. I use IPEDS 2013 data to obtain universities’ latitude and longitude. For the Delaware shock, I make a crosswalk between the FICE code (the only identifier in the NSF IPEDS data) and IPEDS ID and merge with the location data. I manually input latitude and longitude for universities no longer existing in 2013. I use the Vincenty formula for calculating distance between two points on the surface of the Earth, assuming it is an ellipse.
↵26. The statistic is 2.7 percent for CS/CE degrees, 2.8 percent for geology degrees, and 11.6 percent for finance degrees. For the Delaware shock, 2.9 percent of business degrees in the sample were awarded within 15 miles of Wilmington.
↵27. While Delaware’s legislation passed in February 1981, the first acquisition was approved in November 1981 (Erdevig 1988). I assume 2007–2008 freshmen were the first exposed to the financial crisis given the bailout of Bear Stearns in March 2008.
↵28. Following Feyrer, Mansur, and Sacerdote (2017), I estimate the fracking regressions using two-way clustering at the county and year level to address spatial correlation from including new production in a county for multiple county groups in the regression. This results in smaller standard errors on the interactions between year fixed effects and Exposure, so I report those clustered at the university level.
↵29. There are six universities within 15 miles of Wilmington
↵30. Bound and Morales (2018) and Hunt (2018) also show lagged response of national CS degrees to the dotcom crash.
↵31. The flat trend at the beginning for the dot-com crash, the fracking boom, and the Delaware shock exists because I only fit the trend starting five years before the shock, censoring t – t* at minus 5.
↵32. There are six MSAs with computer employment share ‡0.1, and there are 20 universities in those MSAs.
↵33. There are five MSAs with 2000 finance employment share ‡0.05, and zero >0.1, and 91 universities in MSAs with finance employment share ‡0.05.
↵34. See the Online Appendix for results showing no differential effect on business majors, consistent with these demanded by nonfinance sectors also affected by the recession (Figure A4).
↵35. This is because Exposure = 0 denotes zero exposure.
↵36. This does not imply that if individuals invested only based on national conditions the aggregate response would have been smaller. One possibility is that the national decline would have been the same if the greater response of CS majors in exposed markets would all be shifted to less-exposed markets. Alternatively, investments based on national demand may yield a smaller aggregate effect if individuals in exposed markets overresponded relative to the extent of the local shock.
↵37. This is also consistent with a cobweb model of labor supply (Freeman 1975, 1976), though the initial effect on CS/CE degrees is due to the exogenous crash. Later cohorts may invest in CS/CE degrees because fewer students had done so after the shock.
↵38. A potential concern is that these majors are aligned with sectors receiving spillover effects from the affected sector. For example, areas experiencing a differential decline in the computer industry may also experience a differential decline in construction. This may yield differential changes in construction services majors timed with the dot-com crash, and this may reflect change in major choice between non-CS majors and construction services, rather than change in student composition.
↵39. I use all seven fields that are tied for the most-sector-distant for the oil and gas industry. For the Delaware finance shock, I use the same fields as those for the finance industry in Table 1. However, as discussed above, it is not possible to use the current IPEDS data due to the years of the shock. I have only 21 broad major classifications. For the Delaware shock, the sector-distant degrees are architecture and environmental design (corresponding to architecture in table 1), physical sciences (corresponding to chemistry in table 1), and engineering (corresponding to aerospace engineering in Table 1). I do not identify majors corresponding to health or transportation. Health would be included under life sciences, but the health degrees listed under sector-distant degrees (such as nursing) are quite different from biology degrees. Similarly, Transportation would be included in another grouping that also included very different majors.
↵40. Further, there is a sizable increase in the coefficient on exposure in t* +1. However, the differential decrease in CS/CE majors starts the next year. Finally, if exposure to the computer sector affected student composition at local universities after the shock, we might expect the opposite effect during the boom preceding the crash. However, preceding the crash, sector-distant degrees are differentially moving in the same direction as sectorrelevant degrees.
↵41. None of the other components show statistically significant changes in the opposite direction relative to exposure’s effect on share CS/CE degrees. There is an increasing trend in the effect of computer exposure on family sciences degrees starting in 2006, though the coefficients are not significant. The coefficients for 2005–2009 fall in half when omitting University of Texas at Austin. This is a very large university in a high computerexposure MSA, where the share of family sciences degrees increased substantially over this period. The university’s Department of Human Ecology (housing these majors) became a school in 2008, after three years of significant fundraising (University of Texas at Austin, College of Natural Sciences 2008). The increasing coefficients from 2010 to 2013 do not suggest changing student composition as a result of the dot-com bust, as this is after the period in which computer exposure had a negative effect on share CS and CE degrees. By this period, the effect of computer exposure on the share of CS and CE degrees is again trending upward.
↵42. For example, Table 1 shows aerospace engineering as a sector-distant major, and I observe only total engineering degrees. Some engineering degrees are much more relevant for finance.
↵43. Carnevale, Strohl, and Melton (2013) provide information on earnings by major nationally. LinkedIn’s Training Finder platform ranked top in-demand careers in local labor markets (LinkedIn Training Finder 2016). The Trade Adjustment Community College and Career Training program provided $1.9 billion in funding for training programs for jobs highly demanded in the regional economy (U.S. Department of Labor 2020).
- Received November 2019.
- Accepted June 2020.