Panel A: Observed Behavior |
Depressed take … risk | Less | More | More | More | Less | More |
Panel B: Hypothesized Behavior |
Budget constraints and discounting |
Lower income/wealth | Less due to less wealth to invest and DARAa in wealth | Less due to DARA in wealth | Less due to cigarette costs | More due to healthier options more expensive | Less due to less capacity to lend | Less due to less capacity to lend |
Lower time horizon | Less due to undervaluing future return. | More due to “nothing to lose” | More due to “nothing to lose” | Less due to undervaluing future returns | Less due to undervaluing future returns |
Lower patience | Less due to discounting future returns | More due to discounting future costs | More due to discounting future costs | Less due to discounting future rewards | Less due to discounting future rewards |
Time-inconsistent preferences | | | | | | |
Lower self-control | | | More due to overweighing present | Less due to overweighing present | Less due to overweighing present |
Less internal locus of control |
Higher impulsivity |
Lower conscientiousness |
Cognitive limitations | Less due to avoidance of complicated tasks | | | | | |
Emotions and expectations |
Lower emotional stability | | | More due to stronger emotional drive | ? | ? |
Lower optimism | Less due to underestimation of future return. | Less due to higher perceived need for insurance | Less due to overvaluing future costs | Less due to lower perceived future benefits | Less due to lower perceived future benefits |
Lower prediction accuracy | ? | | ? | ? | ? |
Lower trust | | | | Less | Less |