Table of Contents
September 01, 2023; Volume 58,Issue 5
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Growing Importance of Social Tasks in High-Paying OccupationsImplications for SortingView ORCID ProfileGuido Matias Cortes, Nir Jaimovich and View ORCID ProfileHenry E. SiuJournal of Human Resources, September 2023, 58 (5) 1429-1451; DOI: Matias CortesGuido Matias Cortes is an associate professor of economics at York University and a research fellow at the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).Nir JaimovichNir Jaimovich is a professor of economics at the University of Zürich and a research fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR).Henry E. SiuHenry E. Siu is a professor of economics at the University of British Columbia and a faculty research fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) ().
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Lost Generation?Labor Market Outcomes for Post-Great Recession EntrantsView ORCID ProfileJesse RothsteinJournal of Human Resources, September 2023, 58 (5) 1452-1479; DOI: RothsteinJesse Rothstein is Carmel P. Friesen Professor of Public Policy and Professor of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley ().
- You have accessRestricted accessDo Male Workers Prefer Male Leaders?An Analysis of Principals’ Effects on Teacher RetentionView ORCID ProfileAliza N. Husain, David A. Matsa and View ORCID ProfileAmalia R. MillerJournal of Human Resources, September 2023, 58 (5) 1480-1522; DOI: N. HusainAliza N. Husain is an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy in the Graduate School of Education at the University at Buffalo, SUNY ().David A. MatsaDavid A. Matsa is the Alan E. Peterson Distinguished Professor of Finance at Northwestern University and a Research Associate at the NBER ().Amalia R. MillerAmalia R. Miller is a Professor of Economics at the University of Virginia, a Research Associate at the NBER, and a Research Fellow at IZA ().
- Open AccessSelection into Identification in Fixed Effects Models, with Application to Head StartView ORCID ProfileDouglas L. Miller, View ORCID ProfileNa’ama Shenhav and View ORCID ProfileMichel GroszJournal of Human Resources, September 2023, 58 (5) 1523-1566; DOI: L. MillerDoug Miller is at the Brooks School of Public Policy and the Economics Department, Cornell University ().Na’ama ShenhavNa’ama Shenhav is at the Department of Economics, Dartmouth College ().Michel GroszMichel Grosz is at the Bureau of Economics, Federal Trade Commission ().
- You have accessRestricted accessSetting a Good Example?Examining Sibling Spillovers in Educational Achievement Using a Regression Discontinuity DesignView ORCID ProfileKrzysztof Karbownik and View ORCID ProfileUmut ÖzekJournal of Human Resources, September 2023, 58 (5) 1567-1607; DOI: KarbownikKrzysztof Karbownik is an assistant professor of economics at Emory University ().Umut ÖzekUmut Özek is a senior economist at RAND Corporation.
- You have accessRestricted accessTaken by StormThe Effects of Hurricane Katrina on Medium-Term Student Outcomes in New OrleansView ORCID ProfileDouglas N. Harris and Matthew F. LarsenJournal of Human Resources, September 2023, 58 (5) 1608-1643; DOI: N. HarrisDouglas N. Harris is Professor and Chair, Department of Economics, the Schlieder Foundation Chair in Public Education, Director of the Education Research Alliance for New Orleans, and Director of the National Center for Research on Education Access and Choice (REACH) at Tulane University ().Matthew F. LarsenMatthew F. Larsen is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Lafayette College and a Non-Resident Research Fellow at ERA-New Orleans ().
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Effects of After-School Programs on Maternal EmploymentView ORCID ProfileFabian T. Dehos and View ORCID ProfileMarie PaulJournal of Human Resources, September 2023, 58 (5) 1644-1678; DOI: T. DehosFabian T. Dehos is a postdoctoral researcher at RWI–Leibniz Institute for Economic Research and at the University of Duisburg-Essen.Marie PaulMarie Paul is a professor in economics at the University of Duisburg-Essen and an external fellow at CReAM and RWI ().
- Open AccessDynamics of the Gender Gap in High Math AchievementView ORCID ProfileGlenn Ellison and View ORCID ProfileAshley SwansonJournal of Human Resources, September 2023, 58 (5) 1679-1711; DOI: EllisonGlenn Ellison is a professor of economics at MIT.Ashley SwansonAshley Swanson () is an associate professor of economics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
- Open AccessThe Minimum Wage, EITC, and Criminal RecidivismView ORCID ProfileAmanda Y. Agan and View ORCID ProfileMichael D. MakowskyJournal of Human Resources, September 2023, 58 (5) 1712-1751; DOI: Y. AganAmanda Y. Agan is an assistant professor of economics at Rutgers University–New Brunswick ().Michael D. MakowskyMichael D. Makowsky is an associate professor of Economics in the John E. Walker Department of Economics at Clemson University.
- You have accessRestricted accessIncreasing Retirement Savings through Access Points and Persuasive MessagesEvidence from MexicoMariano Bosch and View ORCID ProfileAdrian RubliJournal of Human Resources, September 2023, 58 (5) 1752-1781; DOI: BoschMariano Bosch is a Principal Economist at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).Adrian RubliAdrian Rubli is an assistant professor in the Department of Business Administration at Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) in Mexico City.
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