Table of Contents
July 01, 2024; Volume 59,Issue 4
Lane, Julia I.
- Open AccessDoes Federally Funded Job Training Work?Nonexperimental Estimates of WIA Training Impacts Using Longitudinal Data on Workers and FirmsFredrik Andersson, Harry J. Holzer, Julia I. Lane, David Rosenblum and View ORCID ProfileJeffrey SmithJournal of Human Resources, July 2024, 59 (4) 1244-1283; DOI: AnderssonFredrick Andersson is at Bank of America.Harry J. HolzerHarry J. Holzer is at Georgetown University and the American Institutes for Research.Julia I. LaneJulia I. Lane is at New York University and the Coleridge Initiative.David RosenblumDavid Rosenblum is at the U.S. Department of Labor.Jeffrey SmithJeffrey Smith is at the University of Wisconsin, NBER, IZA, CESifo, and HCEO ().
Lehdonvirta, Vili
- Open AccessDo Microcredentials Help New Workers Enter the Market?Evidence from an Online Labor PlatformView ORCID ProfileOtto Kässi and View ORCID ProfileVili LehdonvirtaJournal of Human Resources, July 2024, 59 (4) 1284-1318; DOI: KässiOtto Kässi () is a researcher at ETLA Economic Research, a senior researcher at Turku Centre for Labour Studies, University of Turku, and a research associate at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford.Vili LehdonvirtaVili Lehdonvirta is Professor of Economic Sociology and Digital Social Research at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford.
In this issue