Research ArticleArticles
Open Access
(Breaking) Intergenerational Transmission of Mental Health
View ORCID ProfileAline Bütikofer, View ORCID ProfileRita Ginja, View ORCID ProfileKrzysztof Karbownik and View ORCID ProfileFanny Landaud
Journal of Human Resources, April 2024, 59 (S) S108-S151; DOI:
Aline Bütikofer
Aline Bütikofer is a professor of economics at Norwegian School of Economics.
Rita Ginja
Rita Ginja is a professor of economics at University of Bergen.
Krzysztof Karbownik
Krzysztof Karbownik is an assistant professor of economics at Emory University (corresponding author, .
Fanny Landaud
Fanny Landaud is a CNRS researcher at CY Cergy Paris University.

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In this issue
Journal of Human Resources
Vol. 59, Issue S
1 Apr 2024
(Breaking) Intergenerational Transmission of Mental Health
Aline Bütikofer, Rita Ginja, Krzysztof Karbownik, Fanny Landaud
Journal of Human Resources Apr 2024, 59 (S) S108-S151; DOI: 10.3368/jhr.1222-12711R2