Table of Contents
January 01, 2025; Volume 60,Issue 1
Benson, Cassandra
- You have accessRestricted accessBeyond Reading, Writing, and ArithmeticThe Role of Teachers and Schools in Reporting Child MaltreatmentCassandra Benson, View ORCID ProfileMaria D. Fitzpatrick and Samuel BondurantJournal of Human Resources, January 2025, 60 (1) 153-186; DOI: BensonCassandra Benson is an Assistant Professor at the United States Air Force Academy.Maria D. FitzpatrickMaria Fitzpatrick is a Professor of Economics and Public Policy in the Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy at Cornell University and Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research.Samuel BondurantSamuel Bondurant is the Administrator at the Dallas–Fort Worth Federal Statistical Research Data Center.
Bird, Kelli A.
- You have accessRestricted accessStacking the Deck for Employment SuccessLabor Market Returns to Stackable CredentialsView ORCID ProfileKatharine E. Meyer, View ORCID ProfileKelli A. Bird and View ORCID ProfileBenjamin L. CastlemanJournal of Human Resources, January 2025, 60 (1) 129-152; DOI: E. MeyerKatharine E. Meyer is a fellow at the Brookings Institution.Kelli A. BirdKelli A. Bird is a research assistant professor at the University of Virginia’s School of Education and Human Development.Benjamin L. CastlemanBen Castleman is an associate professor of public policy and education at the University of Virginia’s Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy.
Bondurant, Samuel
- You have accessRestricted accessBeyond Reading, Writing, and ArithmeticThe Role of Teachers and Schools in Reporting Child MaltreatmentCassandra Benson, View ORCID ProfileMaria D. Fitzpatrick and Samuel BondurantJournal of Human Resources, January 2025, 60 (1) 153-186; DOI: BensonCassandra Benson is an Assistant Professor at the United States Air Force Academy.Maria D. FitzpatrickMaria Fitzpatrick is a Professor of Economics and Public Policy in the Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy at Cornell University and Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research.Samuel BondurantSamuel Bondurant is the Administrator at the Dallas–Fort Worth Federal Statistical Research Data Center.
Buckles, Kasey
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Great Recession’s Baby‐Less RecoveryThe Role of Unintended BirthsView ORCID ProfileKasey Buckles, View ORCID ProfileMelanie Guldi and Lucie SchmidtJournal of Human Resources, January 2025, 60 (1) 224-258; DOI: BucklesKasey Buckles, Ph.D., is Professor of Economics at the University of Notre Dame and an affiliate of the NBER and IZA.Melanie GuldiMelanie Guldi, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Central Florida and an affiliate of IZA.Lucie SchmidtLucie Schmidt, Ph.D., is Professor of Economics at Smith College and an affiliate of the NBER.
In this issue