Table of Contents
October 02, 2003; Volume XXXVIII,Issue 4
Beegle, Kathleen
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Labor Market Effects of Disability Discrimination LawsKathleen Beegle and Wendy A. StockJournal of Human Resources, October 2003, XXXVIII (4) 806-859; DOI:
Borkoski, Carey
- You have accessRestricted accessCompensation in the Nonprofit SectorChristopher J. Ruhm and Carey BorkoskiJournal of Human Resources, October 2003, XXXVIII (4) 992-1021; DOI:
Haley, M. Ryan
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Response of Worker Effort to Piece RatesEvidence from the Midwest Logging IndustryM. Ryan HaleyJournal of Human Resources, October 2003, XXXVIII (4) 881-890; DOI:
Heim, Bradley T.
- You have accessRestricted accessDoes Child Support Enforcement Reduce Divorce Rates?A ReexaminationBradley T. HeimJournal of Human Resources, October 2003, XXXVIII (4) 773-791; DOI:
Hu, Wei-Yin
- You have accessRestricted accessMarriage and Economic IncentivesEvidence from a Welfare ExperimentWei-Yin HuJournal of Human Resources, October 2003, XXXVIII (4) 942-963; DOI:
Jepsen, Christopher
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Effectiveness of Catholic Primary SchoolingChristopher JepsenJournal of Human Resources, October 2003, XXXVIII (4) 928-941; DOI:
Larsson, Laura
- You have accessRestricted accessEvaluation of Swedish Youth Labor Market ProgramsLaura LarssonJournal of Human Resources, October 2003, XXXVIII (4) 891-927; DOI:
Lettau, Michael K.
- You have accessRestricted accessNew Estimates for Wage Rate Inequality Using the Employment Cost IndexMichael K. LettauJournal of Human Resources, October 2003, XXXVIII (4) 792-805; DOI:
Miller, Ted R.
- You have accessRestricted accessRestricted Work, Workers’ Compensation, and Days Away from WorkGeetha M. Waehrer and Ted R. MillerJournal of Human Resources, October 2003, XXXVIII (4) 964-991; DOI:
Pepper, John V.
- You have accessRestricted accessUsing Experiments to Evaluate Performance StandardsWhat Do Welfare-to-Work Demonstrations Reveal to Welfare Reformers?John V. PepperJournal of Human Resources, October 2003, XXXVIII (4) 860-880; DOI: