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- You have accessRestricted accessThe child health impacts of coalEvidence from India’s coal expansionSangita VyasJournal of Human Resources, August 2023, 0320-10784R2; DOI: VyasSangita Vyas is an Assistant Professor of Economics at CUNY Hunter College, an affiliate of the CUNY Institute for Demographic Research, and an affiliate of the Population Wellbeing Initiative at the University of Texas at Austin. .
- You have accessRestricted accessTraining teachers for diversity awarenessImpact on school outcomes of refugee childrenSemih Tumen, Michael Vlassopoulos and Jackline WahbaJournal of Human Resources, August 2023, 0622-12378R2; DOI: Tumen†TED University, Department of Economics, Türkiye. Email: .Michael Vlassopoulos‡University of Southampton, Department of Economics, UK. Email: .Jackline Wahba§University of Southampton, Department of Economics, UK. Email: .
- You have accessRestricted accessPublish or PerishSelective Attrition as a Unifying Explanation for Patterns in Innovation over the CareerView ORCID ProfileHuifeng Yu, View ORCID ProfileGerald Marschke, View ORCID ProfileMatthew B. Ross, View ORCID ProfileJoseph Staudt and View ORCID ProfileBruce A. WeinbergJournal of Human Resources, July 2023, 58 (4) 1307-1346; DOI: YuHuifeng Yu is a former doctorate student at the University at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY.Gerald MarschkeGerald Marschke is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY and Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA ([email protected]).Matthew B. RossMatthew B. Ross is Associate Professor of Public Policy & Economics at Northeastern University, Boston, MA.Joseph StaudtJoseph Staudt is an Economist at the Center for Economic Studies at the U.S. Census Bureau, Suitland, MD.Bruce A. WeinbergBruce A. Weinberg is the Eric Byron Fix-Monda Professor of Economics at Ohio State University, Columbus, OH and Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA.
- You have accessRestricted accessAdmissions Policies, Cohort Composition, and Academic SuccessEvidence from CaliforniaView ORCID ProfileMichel GroszJournal of Human Resources, July 2023, 58 (4) 1242-1272; DOI: GroszMichel Grosz is an Economist at the Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC.
- You have accessRestricted accessRisk Attitudes, Investment Behavior, and Linguistic VariationView ORCID ProfileJuliana Bernhofer, View ORCID ProfileFrancesco Costantini and View ORCID ProfileMatija KovacicJournal of Human Resources, July 2023, 58 (4) 1207-1241; DOI: BernhoferJuliana Bernhofer is a researcher at the University of Bologna, Department of Economics, and an honorary fellow (“cultrice della materia”) at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice ([email protected], [email protected]).Francesco CostantiniFrancesco Costantini is associate professor in linguistics at the University of Udine, Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage Studies.Matija KovacicMatija Kovacic is an honorary fellow (“cultore della materia”) at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Economics, and a researcher at the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy ([email protected], [email protected]).
- Open AccessHuman Capital Accumulation and DisastersEvidence from the Pakistan Earthquake of 2005Tahir Andrabi, View ORCID ProfileBenjamin Daniels and View ORCID ProfileJishnu DasJournal of Human Resources, July 2023, 58 (4) 1057-1096; DOI: AndrabiTahir Andrabi is Stedman-Sumner Professor of Economics at Pomona College.Benjamin DanielsBenjamin Daniels is a gui2de Research Fellow at Georgetown University.Jishnu DasJishnu Das is a professor in the McCourt School of Public Policy and the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University ([email protected]).
- You have accessRestricted accessDistributional Effects of Education on HealthSilvia H. Barcellos, View ORCID ProfileLeandro S. Carvalho and View ORCID ProfilePatrick TurleyJournal of Human Resources, July 2023, 58 (4) 1273-1306; DOI: H. BarcellosSilvia Barcellos is an Assistant Research Professor of Economics at the University of Southern California and an affiliate of NBER ([email protected]).Leandro S. CarvalhoLeandro Carvalho is an Assistant Research Professor of Economics at the Center for Economic and Social Research and at the Department of Economics at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles ([email protected]).Patrick TurleyPatrick Turley is an Assistant Research Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics and at the Center for Economic and Social Research at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles ([email protected]).
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- You have accessRestricted accessPeer Discrimination in the Classroom and Academic AchievementView ORCID ProfileAndrew J. Hill and Weina ZhouJournal of Human Resources, July 2023, 58 (4) 1178-1206; DOI: J. HillAndrew Hill is an Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics at Montana State University.Weina ZhouWeina Zhou is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at Dalhousie University ([email protected]).
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