Research ArticleArticle
Labor Supply Responses to Health Shocks: Evidence from High-Frequency Labor Market Data from Urban Ghana
Rachel Heath, Ghazala Mansuri and Bob Rijkers
Published online before print November 13, 2019, 0618-9584R2; DOI:
Rachel Heath
Rachel Heath: the University of Washington and BREAD; Ghazala Mansuri: the World Bank; Bob Rijkers: the World Bank. Postal address: Box 353330; Seattle WA 98195.
Ghazala Mansuri
Rachel Heath: the University of Washington and BREAD; Ghazala Mansuri: the World Bank; Bob Rijkers: the World Bank. Postal address: Box 353330; Seattle WA 98195.
Bob Rijkers
Rachel Heath: the University of Washington and BREAD; Ghazala Mansuri: the World Bank; Bob Rijkers: the World Bank. Postal address: Box 353330; Seattle WA 98195.
In this issue
Journal of Human Resources
Vol. 59, Issue 6
1 Nov 2024
Labor Supply Responses to Health Shocks: Evidence from High-Frequency Labor Market Data from Urban Ghana
Rachel Heath, Ghazala Mansuri, Bob Rijkers
Journal of Human Resources Nov 2019, 0618-9584R2; DOI: 10.3368/jhr.57.1.0618-9584R2