Research ArticleArticle
Open Access
Cash Transfers and Fertility: How the Introduction and Cancellation of a Child Benefit Affected Births and Abortions
Libertad González and Sofia Karina Trommlerová
Published online before print February 15, 2021, 0220-10725R2; DOI:
Libertad González
1Libertad González is an associate professor of economics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra and the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics.
Sofia Karina Trommlerová
2Sofia Karina Trommlerová is a postdoctoral researcher in economics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain.

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In this issue
Journal of Human Resources
Vol. 60, Issue 1
1 Jan 2025
Cash Transfers and Fertility: How the Introduction and Cancellation of a Child Benefit Affected Births and Abortions
Libertad González, Sofia Karina Trommlerová
Journal of Human Resources Feb 2021, 0220-10725R2; DOI: 10.3368/jhr.59.1.0220-10725R2
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