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- Published online December 8, 2021.
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© 2021 by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System This open access article is distributed under the terms of the CC-BY license ( and is freely available online at:
Author Information
- Mari Rege⇑,
- Ingunn Størksen,
- Ingeborg F. Solli,
- Ariel Kalil,
- Megan M. McClelland,
- Dieuwer ten Braak,
- Ragnhild Lenes,
- Svanaug Lunde,
- Svanhild Breive,
- Martin Carlsen,
- Ingvald Erfjord and
- Per Sigurd Hundeland
- Mari Rege is a professor of economics at the University of Stavanger.
- Ingunn Størksen is a professor of pedagogical psychology at the University of Stavanger.
- Ingeborg F. Solli is an associate professor of economics at the University of Stavanger.
- Ariel Kalil is a professor of public policy at the University of Chicago.
- Megan McClelland is the Katherine E. Smith Healthy Children and Families Professor at Oregon State University.
- Dieuwer ten Braak is an associate professor of psychology at the University of Stavanger.
- Ragnhild Lenes is an associate professor of education science at the University of Stavanger.
- Svanaug Lunde is a university lecturer of education science at the University of Stavanger.
- Svanhild Breive is an associate professor of mathematics education at the University of Agder.
- Martin Carlsen is a professor of mathematics education at University of Agder.
- Ingvald Erfjord is an associate professor of mathematics education at University of Agder.
- Per Sigurd Hundeland is an associate professor of mathematics education at University of Agder.
- Corresponding author can be reached at mari.rege{at}