Research ArticleArticles
Nudging Demand for Academic Support Services: Experimental and Structural Evidence from Higher Education
Todd Pugatch and Nicholas Wilson
Published online before print March 09, 2022, 0221-11474R2; DOI:
Todd Pugatch
* School of Public Policy, Oregon State University,
Nicholas Wilson
Department of Economics, Reed College, .
- Abadie, Alberto
- Allcott, Hunt, and
- Nathan Wozny
- Altonji, Joseph G.,
- Erica Blom, and
- Costas Meghir
- Angrist, Joshua D., and
- Ivan Fernandez-Val
- Angrist, Joshua,
- Daniel Lang, and
- Philip Oreopoulos
- Arcidiacono, Peter
- Arum, Richard, and
- Josipa Roksa
- Ashworth, Jared, and
- Tyler Ransom
- Auferoth, Florian
- Balaban, Rita, and
- Patrick Conway
- Barrow, Lisa,
- Cecilia E. Rouse, and
- Amanda McFarland
- Benjamini, Yoav,
- Abba M. Krieger, and
- Daniel Yekutieli
- Bettinger, Eric P., and
- Rachel B. Baker
- Bettinger, Eric P.,
- Benjamin L. Castleman, and
- Zachary Mabel
- Bleemer, Zachary, and
- Aashish Mehta
- Bound, John,
- Michael F. Lovenheim, and
- Sarah Turner
- Butcher, Kristin F., and
- Mary G. Visher
- Carrell, Scott E, and
- Michal Kurlaender
- Carrell, Scott E, and
- Michal Kurlaender
- Castleman, Benjamin L., and
- Lindsay C. Page
- Chetty, Raj,
- Adam Looney, and
- Kory Kroft
- Clark, Damon,
- David Gill,
- Victoria Prowse, and
- Mark Rush
- Cortes, Kalena E,
- Hans D.U. Fricke,
- Susanna Loeb,
- David S Song, and
- Benjamin N York
- Cortes, Kalena E.,
- Hans Fricke,
- Susanna Loeb,
- David S. Song, and
- Benjamin N. York
- Courtin, Emilie,
- Peter Muennig,
- Nandita Verma,
- James A. Riccio,
- Mylene Lagarde,
- Paolo Vineis,
- Ichiro Kawachi, and
- Mauricio Avendano
- Damgaard, Mette Trier, and
- Helena Skyt Nielsen
- Dobronyi, Christopher R.,
- Philip Oreopoulos, and
- Uros Petronijevic
- Ericson, Keith Marzilli
- Gabaix, Xavier
- Gemus, Jonathan
- Gordanier, John,
- William Hauk, and
- Chandini Sankaran
- Himmler, Oliver,
- Robert Jäckle, and
- Philipp Weinschenk
- Hossain, Tanjim, and
- John Morgan
- ideas42
- Imbens, Guido W., and
- Joshua D. Angrist
- Kowalski, Amanda Ellen
- Laibson, David
- List, John A.,
- Jeffrey A. Livingston, and
- Susanne Neckermann
- Miller, Cynthia,
- Rhiannon Miller,
- Nandita Verma,
- Nadine Dechausay,
- Edith Yang,
- Timothy Rudd,
- Jonathan Rodriguez, and
- Sylvie Honig
- National Center for Education Statistics
- O’Donoghue, Ted, and
- Matthew Rabin
- Oreopoulos, Philip, and
- Uros Petronijevic
- Oreopoulos, Philip, and
- Uros Petronijevic
- Page, Lindsay C.,
- Benjamin L. Castleman, and
- Katharine Meyer
- Page, Lindsay C.,
- Jeonghyun Lee, and
- Hunter Gehlbach
- Paloyo, Alfredo R.,
- Sally Rogan, and
- Peter Siminski
- Patnaik, Arpita,
- Matthew J Wiswall, and
- Basit Zafar
- Pop-Eleches, Cristian,
- Harsha Thirumurthy,
- James P. Habyarimana,
- Joshua G. Zivin,
- Markus P. Goldstein,
- Damien De Walque,
- Leslie Mackeen,
- Jessica Haberer,
- Sylvester Kimaiyo, and
- John Sidle
- Pugatch, Todd, and
- Elizabeth Schroeder
- Pugatch, Todd, and
- Elizabeth Schroeder
- Pugatch, Todd, and
- Nicholas Wilson
- Pugatch, Todd, and
- Nicholas Wilson
- Riccio, James
- Rury, Derek, and
- Scott Carrell
- Shambaugh, Jay,
- Ryan Nunn,
- Patrick Liu, and
- Greg Nantz
- Stinebrickner, Ralph, and
- Todd R. Stinebrickner
- Taubinsky, Dmitry, and
- Alex Rees-Jones
- Train, Kenneth E.
- U.S. Department of Education
In this issue
Journal of Human Resources
Vol. 59, Issue 6
1 Nov 2024
Nudging Demand for Academic Support Services: Experimental and Structural Evidence from Higher Education
Todd Pugatch, Nicholas Wilson
Journal of Human Resources Mar 2022, 0221-11474R2; DOI: 10.3368/jhr.0221-11474R2
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