Research ArticleArticles
The Effect of Risk Assessment Scores on Judicial Behavior and Defendant Outcomes
CarlyWill Sloan, George Naufal and Heather Caspers
Published online before print May 08, 2023, 0221-11470R3; DOI:
CarlyWill Sloan
Sloan: United States Military Academy at West Point,
George Naufal
Naufal: Texas A&M University and IZA,
Heather Caspers
Caspers: Iowa Department of Human Rights, ;

VIII. References
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In this issue
Journal of Human Resources
Vol. 60, Issue 1
1 Jan 2025
The Effect of Risk Assessment Scores on Judicial Behavior and Defendant Outcomes
CarlyWill Sloan, George Naufal, Heather Caspers
Journal of Human Resources May 2023, 0221-11470R3; DOI: 10.3368/jhr.0221-11470R3
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