Research ArticleArticles
Does the Gender Wage Gap Influence Intimate Partner Violence in Brazil?
Evidence from Administrative Health Data
Elizaveta Perova, Sarah Reynolds and Ian Schmutte
Published online before print June 06, 2023, 0421-11603R4; DOI:
Elizaveta Perova
aThe World Bank, Washington, DC.
Sarah Reynolds
bThe University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
Ian Schmutte
cThe University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
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In this issue
Journal of Human Resources
Vol. 59, Issue 6
1 Nov 2024
Does the Gender Wage Gap Influence Intimate Partner Violence in Brazil?
Elizaveta Perova, Sarah Reynolds, Ian Schmutte
Journal of Human Resources Jun 2023, 0421-11603R4; DOI: 10.3368/jhr.0421-11603R4
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