Research ArticleArticles
Open Access
Provider effects in antibiotic prescribing
Evidence from physician exits
Shan Huang and Hannes Ullrich
Published online before print May 08, 2024, 0523-12900R1; DOI:
Shan Huang
Shan Huang is a postdoctoral researcher at the Stockholm School of Economics and at the University of Copenhagen ().
Hannes Ullrich
Hannes Ullrich is a research associate at DIW Berlin and an associate professor of Economics at the University of Copenhagen.
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In this issue
Journal of Human Resources
Vol. 59, Issue 6
1 Nov 2024
Provider effects in antibiotic prescribing
Shan Huang, Hannes Ullrich
Journal of Human Resources May 2024, 0523-12900R1; DOI: 10.3368/jhr.0523-12900R1
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