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- Published online July 25, 2024.
- Ahead of Print Version (Wednesday, March 06, 2024 - 8:46 AM).
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© 2024 by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System This open access article is distributed under the terms of the CC-BY-NC-ND license ( and is freely available online at:
Author Information
- Andrea Bassanini,
- Giulia Bovini,
- Eve Caroli,
- Jorge Casanova Ferrando,
- Federico Cingano,
- Paolo Falco,
- Florentino Felgueroso,
- Marcel Jansen,
- Pedro S. Martins,
- António Melo,
- Michael Oberfichtner and
- Martin Popp
- Andrea Bassanini is a senior economist at the OECD and a research fellow at IZA.
- Giulia Bovini is a researcher at the Bank of Italy.
- At the time this paper was written, Eve Caroli was a professor of economics at LEDa - Université Paris Dauphine, PSL and a research fellow at IZA.
- Jorge Casanova Ferrando is a researcher at Compass Lexecon and Fedea.
- Federico Cingano is a researcher at the Bank of Italy.
- Paolo Falco is a professor of economics at the University of Copenhagen.
- Florentino Felgueroso is a researcher at Fedea.
- Marcel Jansen is a professor of economics at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and a researcher at Fedea and IZA.
- Pedro S. Martins is a professor of economics at Nova School of Business and Economics and a research fellow at IZA.
- António Melo is a researcher at ESOMAS, University of Turin.
- Michael Oberfichtner is head of the research department “Establishments and Employment” at IAB, a professor for employment research at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg and a research fellow at IZA.
- Martin Popp is a researcher in economics at IAB.