PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Wang, Xintong AU - Flores-Lagunes, Alfonso TI - Conscription and Military Service AID - 10.3368/jhr.58.1.0418-9449R2 DP - 2022 Sep 01 TA - Journal of Human Resources PG - 1715--1757 VI - 57 IP - 5 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Hum Resour2022 Sep 01; 57 AB - Employing nonparametric bounds, we examine the effect of military service on incarceration outcomes using the Vietnam draft lotteries as a possibly invalid instrumental variable for military service. The draft is allowed to have a direct effect on the outcomes independently of military service, disposing of the exclusion restriction. We find: (i) suggestive but not strong statistical evidence that the direct effect of the draft increases the incarceration rate for violent offenses for a particular cohort of draft avoiders and (ii) military service increases the incarceration rate for violent and nonviolent crimes of white volunteers and veterans in certain birth cohorts.