PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Nielsen, Helena Skyt AU - Svarer, Michael TI - Educational Homogamy AID - 10.3368/jhr.44.4.1066 DP - 2009 Oct 02 TA - Journal of Human Resources PG - 1066--1086 VI - 44 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Hum Resour2009 Oct 02; 44 AB - Individuals match on length and type of education. We find that around half of the systematic sorting on education is explained by the tendency of individuals to marry someone who went to the same educational institution or to an institution near them. This may be due to low search frictions or selection of people with the same preferences into the same institutions. The residual half of the systematic sorting on education is a direct effect of partners’ education, which is potentially explained by complementarities in household production in couples with same education.