PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Carruthers, Celeste K. AU - Fox, William F. AU - Jepsen, Christopher TI - What Knox Achieved AID - 10.3368/jhr.1220-11359R2 DP - 2023 Jun 06 TA - Journal of Human Resources PG - 1220-11359R2 4099 - 4100 - AB - We examine the effect of a last-dollar “free community college” program on college credit accumulation, college completion, and medium-term labor-market outcomes. Knox Achieves pledged tuition-free community college to any Knox County, Tennessee high school graduate and served as the model for the statewide Tennessee Promise program as well as local and state initiatives across the U.S. We find that Knox Achieves eligibility led to a 24 percent higher likelihood of attaining an associate’s degree within nine years of high school, alongside positive but insignificant changes in the likelihood of attaining a bachelor’s degree, and negative but insignificant changes in in-state earnings.