PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Maurer-Fazio, Margaret AU - Connelly, Rachel AU - Chen, Lan AU - Tang, Lixin TI - Childcare, Eldercare, and Labor Force Participation of Married Women in Urban China, 1982–2000 AID - 10.3368/jhr.46.2.261 DP - 2011 Mar 31 TA - Journal of Human Resources PG - 261--294 VI - 46 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Hum Resour2011 Mar 31; 46 AB - We employ Chinese population census data to consider married, urban women’s labor force participation decisions in the context of their families. We find that the presence in the household of a parent, parent-in-law, or person aged 75 or older increases prime-age women’s likelihood of participating in market work. The presence of preschool-aged children decreases it. The negative effect on women’s labor force participation of having young children in the household is substantially larger for married, rural-to-urban migrants than for their nonmigrant counterparts. Similarly, the positive effect of coresidence with elders is larger for rural-to-urban migrant women than for nonmigrants.