RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 The Effect of Immigration on Natives’ School Performance JF Journal of Human Resources JO J Hum Resour FD University of Wisconsin Press SP 733 OP 766 DO 10.3368/jhr.55.3.1017-9151R2 VO 55 IS 2 A1 Bossavie, Laurent YR 2020 UL http://jhr.uwpress.org/content/55/2/733.abstract AB This paper investigates the effects of exposure to immigrant classmates on natives’ scholastic achievement. I utilize rare information on age at migration to estimate separate spillover effects by duration of stay of immigrant classmates and use cohort-by-cohort changes in immigrant presence within schools to identify treatment effects. I find that exposure to immigrant students who have been in the country for a few years has no effect on natives. A small negative effect of recent immigrants on natives’ verbal scores only is reported. Effect sizes are quite small compared to other classroom interventions and peer effect estimates.