PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Dustan, Andrew AU - de Janvry, Alain AU - Sadoulet, Elisabeth TI - Flourish or Fail? The Risky Reward of Elite High School Admission in Mexico City AID - 10.3368/jhr.52.3.0215-6974R1 DP - 2016 Aug 17 TA - Journal of Human Resources PG - 0215-6974R1 4099 - 4100 - AB - Admission to an elite school imposes substantial risks on many students while offering modest academic benefits relative to admission in their most preferred non-elite school. Using variation in school assignment generated by the allocation mechanism, we find that admission to a system of elite public high schools in Mexico City increases the probability of high school dropout by 9.4 percentage points. Students with weaker middle school grades and whose commutes are lengthened by elite admission experience a larger rise in dropout probability. On the other hand, elite admission raises end-of-high school math test scores for the marginal admittee, even when accounting for potential bias due to admission-induced dropout.