PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Franklin, Simon AU - Labonne, Julien TI - Economic Shocks and Labour Market Flexibility AID - 10.3368/jhr.54.1.0616.8012R1 DP - 2017 Oct 03 TA - Journal of Human Resources PG - 0616-8012r1 4099 - 4100 - AB - We test how labour markets adjust to large, but temporary, economic shocks in a context in which such shocks are common. Using an individual-level panel, from 1,140 Philippine municipalities over 26 quarters, we find that workers in areas affected by strong typhoons experience reductions in hours worked and hourly wages, without evidence of layoffs. The results are strongest for formal, wage-paying jobs. We argue that those results are best explained by implicit contracts where workers and firms share risks. We provide extensive qualitative data suggesting that employment contracts in the Philippines allow for such flexibility.