Table A2

Occupation Titles for NELS:88 Respondents, By Reported Job Task Frequency

Percent Read Letters and Memos a Lot (Communication)Percent Estimate Size and Weight a Lot (Manual)Communication Divided by Manual or (1)/(2)
Legal professionals86  0
Legal support62  3                           23
Human services professionals54  413.29
Financial services professionals66  610.68
Editors, writers, reporters49  5  9.2
Business/financial support services6510    6.72
Secretaries and receptionists6411  5.9
Computer systems / related professionals5510    5.74
Protective services, criminal justice7215  4.86
Clerks, data entry5211  4.86
Educators-instructors other than K–123710  3.89
Educators-K–12 teachers6417  3.83
Computer programmers3710  3.57
Customer service5817                             3.5
Military6821  3.22
Sales / purchasing5825  2.34
Clerical other4823  2.06
Managers-supervisory, office, other administrators5930  1.97
Managers - executive6738  1.76
Managers-midlevel6136  1.69
Health / recreation services3924  1.64
Technical / professional workers, other5739  1.47
Engineers, architects, software engineers5644  1.27
Computer / computer equipment operators4839  1.22
Medical licensed professionals4135  1.17
Medical services4338  1.14
Cashiers, tellers, sales clerks2926  1.13
Performers/artists2827  1.07
Mechanic, repairer, service technicians3645  0.81
Personal services1822                             0.8
Scientist, statistician professionals5771                             0.8
Medical practice professionals5067  0.75
Research assistants / lab technicians3352  0.63
Farmers, foresters, farm laborers3050  0.61
Transport operatives (not pilots)3660                             0.6
Laborers (other than farm)2548  0.53
Cooks, chefs, bakers, cake decorators2655  0.47
Skilled operatives2661  0.43
Craftsmen2372  0.32
  • Notes: Data from the NELS:88 final (2000) followup survey. It asked respondents currently working for pay how often they “read letters, memos, or reports” in a typical week at work. Column 1 shows the percent of respondents answering “a lot” (rather than “never” or “occasionally”) in each occupation. Working respondents were asked how often they “measure or estimate the size or weight of objects” on the job. Column 2 shows the percent of respondents answering “a lot” in each occupation. Column 3 divides Column 1 by Column 2 to identify occupations where communication tasks are employed much more frequently than manual tasks.