1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
State-Level | By Origin Country | Immigration Matched to Last Secondary School | Immigration Matched to Final Followup | High-Skilled Immigration (> High School) | High-Skilled Immigration (Bachelor’s Degree Holders) | |
School attendance composite | 0.0082* (0.0044) | 0.0167*** (0.0056) | 0.0088** (0.0035) | 0.0025 (0.0025) | −0.073 (0.0701) | −0.029 (0.0246) |
Took Advanced Placement class | 0.1565*** (0.0375) | 0.1736*** (0.057) | 0.1358*** (0.0322) | 0.1304*** (0.0303) | −0.0477 (0.295) | 0.1973 (0.1933) |
Took vocational class | −0.1965*** (0.0612) | −0.1788*** (0.0615) | −0.157*** (0.0356) | −0.1281*** (0.0271) | 0.5657 (0.669) | 0.2238 (0.2819) |
Grades composite | 0.0297*** (0.0088) | 0.0407*** (0.0104) | 0.0274*** (0.0057) | 0.0231*** (0.005) | −0.1818 (0.1607) | −0.0712 (0.056) |
High school diploma receipt | 0.0426* (0.0255) | 0.0467 (0.0368) | 0.0489* (0.0261) | 0.0656*** (0.0206) | −0.1142 (0.1926) | −0.0112 (0.0936) |
Ever attended postsecondary education | 0.1749*** (0.0267) | 0.1297** (0.0531) | 0.1543*** (0.0331) | 0.161*** (0.0282) | −0.4806 (0.4174) | −0.0115 (0.1238) |
Postsecondary education credential | 0.0975** (0.0393) | 0.0573 (0.0596) | 0.1118*** (0.0381) | 0.1087*** (0.035) | −0.4289 (0.3956) | −0.0309 (0.122) |
Use email | 0.0617* (0.0337) | 0.0881* (0.0463) | 0.0842*** (0.0301) | 0.1581*** (0.0429) | 0.9848 (2.265) | 0.1601 (0.1981) |
Measure size or weight of objects | −0.0567 (0.0355) | −0.0631 (0.0439) | −0.0726** (0.0293) | −0.0945*** (0.0347) | 1.52 (2.942) | 0.2607 (0.2318) |
↵*** p < 0.01
↵** p < 0.05
↵* p < 0.1. Data from the NELS:88. Each row corresponds to a dependent variable. Table only shows the coefficient on 1990 immigration from OLS or 2SLS specifications. All models also include a constant, indicators for gender and race/ethnicity, 1990 eighth grade CZ characteristics (percent adult population with a bachelor’s degree, percent population without a high school diploma, and indicators for urbanicity (five of them) and region (three of them), and the full set of eighth grade school characteristics (listed in the text). Standard errors clustered at eighth grade CZ level.