Table 7

Instrumented Quintile Interaction Effects of the Impact of Acceleration into Algebra I in Eighth Grade

Independent VariableAlgebra I Test ScorePass Algebra I by Tenth Grade 2SLSPass Geometry by Eleventh Grade 2SLSPass Algebra II by Twelfth Grade 2SLS
2SLSRFQR with Imputation
Quintile 1 student * enrolled in Algebra I by eighth grade−0.425***
Quintile 2 student * enrolled in Algebra I by eighth grade−0.428***
Quintile 3 student * enrolled in Algebra I by eighth grade−0.343***
Quintile 4 student * enrolled in Algebra I by eighth grade−0.282***
Adjusted R20.6960.3540.4290.5300.440
  • Notes: Standard errors, corrected for clustering at the decile-cohort-district level, in parentheses. Algebra I test score is taken from the student’s first test administration. Course passage for Algebra I and Algebra II is defined as obtaining a standardized test score at or above the twentieth percentile of the statewide distribution. Course passage for Geometry is defined as obtaining an achievement level at or above 3 on the test. Grade-retained students are kept with their original cohort. All models control for average sixth and seventh grade math test score decile, cohort and district fixed effects, and instrument for Algebra I enrollment by eighth grade using an indicator representing the probability of taking Algebra I by eighth grade within your decile-cohort-district cell. Columns headed “2SLS” are estimated by two-stage least squares. Column headed “RFQR with Imputation” applies the Neal and Johnson (1996) method of imputing poor performance for 14,180 non-Algebra I-takers and estimating using the Chernozhukov and Hansen (2005) method.

  • *** denotes a coefficient significant at the 0.1 percent level,

  • ** the 1 percent level,

  • * the 5 percent level.