Independent Variable | Algebra I Test Scores (IVQR) | Pass Algebra I by Tenth Grade | Pass Geometry by Eleventh Grade | Pass Algebra II by Twelfth Grade |
Enrolled in Algebra I by eighth grade | −0.451*** (0.009) | 0.0534** (0.016) | −0.108*** (0.013) | −0.0330 (0.021) |
Male | −0.110*** (0.0025) | −0.0357*** (0.005) | −0.0192*** (0.003) | −0.0520*** (0.006) |
African-American | 0.0062 (0.003) | 0.00955* (0.004) | −0.0132*** (0.003) | 0.0317*** (0.005) |
Hispanic | 0.0277*** (0.006) | 0.0146** (0.005) | 0.00116 (0.006) | 0.0289*** (0.006) |
Other race | 0.128*** (0.006) | 0.0146** (0.006) | 0.0280*** (0.007) | 0.0436*** (0.010) |
Free / reduced lunch | −0.196*** (0.003) | −0.0570*** (0.006) | −0.0782*** (0.006) | −0.0994*** (0.007) |
N | 135,752 | 135,752 | 135,752 | 135,752 |
Adjusted R2 | — | 0.485 | 0.526 | 0.439 |
Notes: Standard errors, corrected for clustering at the decile-cohort-district level, in parentheses. Estimation is by two-stage least squares except as indicated. Algebra I test score is taken from the student’s first test administration. Course passage for Algebra I and Algebra II is defined as obtaining a standardized test score at or above the twentieth percentile of the statewide distribution. Course passage for Geometry is defined as obtaining an achievement level at or above 3 on the test. Grade-retained students are kept with their original cohort. District, decile, cohort, and decile-by-cohort fixed effects included but coefficients are not shown in this table. Sample consists of CMS, Guilford, and the Group 1 districts identified in Table 2b.
↵*** denotes a coefficient significant at the 0.1 percent level,
↵** the 1 percent level,
↵* the 5 percent level.