Independent Variable | Algebra I Test Scores | Pass Algebra I by Tenth Grade | Pass Geometry by Eleventh Grade | Pass Algebra II by Twelfth Grade |
CMS * post I | −0.0909 (0.047) | −0.00970 (0.016) | −0.0486* (0.018) | −0.0443*** (0.009) |
CMS * post II | −0.0175 (0.044) | −0.0207 (0.015) | −0.0260* (0.011) | −0.0650*** (0.009) |
Guilford * post I | −0.189*** (0.044) | 0.0193 (0.012) | −0.0126 (0.013) | 0.00337 (0.015) |
Guilford * post II | −0.261*** (0.030) | 0.0292** (0.011) | −0.0321** (0.012) | −0.106*** (0.014) |
N | 122,246 | 136,524 | 136,524 | 136,524 |
Adjusted R2 | 0.655 | 0.387 | 0.491 | 0.399 |
Notes: Standard errors, corrected for clustering at the cohort-district level, in parentheses. Algebra I test score is taken from the student’s first test administration. Course passage for Algebra I and Algebra II is defined as obtaining a standardized test score at or above the twentieth percentile of the statewide distribution. Course passage for Geometry is defined as obtaining an achievement level at or above 3 on the test. Grade-retained students are kept with their original cohort. Specifications control for period effects, district effects, student race, gender, and free/reduced lunch status, and a set of indicators for average sixth and seventh grade math test score decile. Sample includes Group 1 and 2 districts identified in Table 2.
↵*** denotes a coefficient significant at the 0.1 percent level,
↵** the 1 percent level,
↵* the 5 percent level.