Impact of Marriage Law and Distance from Mississippi Border
Marriages 1 | Log CBR 2 | Enrollment 3 | |
Distance inverse X post | 138.37 [67.162]** | −11.19*** (1.587) | 185.8*** (42.53) |
Inverse of distance to Mississippi border | −240.53 [68.91]*** | 7198*** (1.367) | −79.61** (39.34) |
Post (=1 if year ≥ 1957) | −3.485 [1.645]** | −0.233*** (0.0238) | 4.698*** (0.563) |
Fixed effects used | State, Year | ||
Controls | Manufacturing wage, farms per 1,000 people, percent employed in manufacturing | ||
Mean of dependent variable | 10.02 | 3.006 | 80.29 |
R-squared | 0.08 | 0.505 | 0.427 |
Observations | 903 | 903 | 586 |
Notes: Marriages are marriages per 1,000 in population, births are log births per 1,000 in population, and enrollment is the percentage of 14–17-year-olds enrolled in school. Distance (in miles) is computed using latitude-longitude information on counties and distance to the closest Mississippi county is computed using the Haversine formula. Mississippi is excluded from these regressions, as all points within Mississippi have a distance of 0. Counties from neighboring states of Mississippi used.
* significant at 10 percent;
↵** significant at 5 percent;
↵*** significant at 1 percent, robust standard errors, clustered at the county level