Table 1

Baseline Comparisons (Means Computed from 1950 and 1954)

VariableTreatmentControlDifference (Treatment-Control)Standard Error
MeanStandard DeviationMeanStandard Deviation
Panel A - Treatment is Mississippi and neighboring counties, control is remaining counties in neighboring states
    Marriages per 1,000 in population  23.0945.6610.5317.9612.56***  2.29
    Log crude birth rate    3.16  0.22  3.06  0.303  0.09***  0.022
    Percent 14–17-year-olds enrolled  77.64  5.1276.89  6.14  0.75  0.67
    Manufacturing wage    2.78  9.33  4.1112.77−1.32  0.95
    Percent employed in manufacturing  35.2527.8344.3339.35−9.08***  2.909
    Farms per 100 in population    0.12  0.04  0.097  0.04  0.02***  0.002
    Percent farms with tractors  27.22  8.5633.1213.38−5.89***  1.37
    Agricultural employment per 1,000 in population150.9358.9115.1153.9235.82***  6.25
Panel B - Excluding Mississippi counties
    Marriages per 1,000 in population  19.9744.710.5317.96  9.44***  2.44
    Log crude birth rate    3.15  0.213  3.06  0.3033  0.088***  0.027
    Percent 14–17-year-olds enrolled  76.02  4.3176.89  6.14−0.86  1.23
    Manufacturing wage    3.7311.6  4.1112.77−0.376  1.19
    Percent employed in manufacturing  36.9629.17444.3339.35−7.37**  3.57
    Farms per 100 in population    0.11  0.04  0.1  0.04  0.016***  0.004
    Percent farms with tractors  27.22  8.5633.1213.38−5.89***  1.37
    Agricultural employment per 1,000 in population137.8553.95115.1153.9222.73**10.7
Panel C - Excluding Mississippi counties and within 200 miles of Mississippi border
    Marriages per 1,000 in population  19.9744.7  9.5619.9310 41***  3.13
    Crude birth rate    3.154  0.213  3.13  0.321  0.022  0.03
    Percent 14–17-year-olds enrolled  76.02  4.3177.53  6−1.51  1.23
    Manufacturing wage    3.7311.6  414.15−0.269  1.38
    Percent employed in manufacturing  36.9629.1741.1633.97−4.19  3.36
    Farms per 100 in population    0.11  0.04  0.09  0.043  0.019***  0.004
    Percent farms with tractors  27.22  8.5636.4413.38−9.216***  1.59
    Agricultural employment per 1,000 in population137.8553.95117.6353.2920.21*11.02