Table 5

Decomposition of the Change in the Aggregate Job-to-Job Transition Rate

Average job-to-job transition rate 1996–20005.4%
Average job-to-job transition rate 2008–20133.3%
Decrease in job-to-job transition rate2.1 pp
Contribution from:
 Changes in employment shares by tenure0.6 pp
 Changes in tenure-specific job-to-job transition rates1.7 pp
 Tenure <1Y0.9 pp
 Tenure 1Y to 3Y0.4 pp
 Tenure 3Y to 5Y0.2 pp
 Tenure 5Y to 10Y0.2 pp
 Tenure 10Y+0.1 pp

Source: Authors’ calculations from SIPP microdata, using 22–64-year-olds.

Notes: The job-to-job transition rate is defined as the fraction of employed workers who left an employer and reported working for a new employer three months later. Contributions do not sum exactly to the decrease in the aggregate job-to-job transition rate because the table does not report interactions between the changes in tenure-specific job-to-job transition rates and employment shares.