Table 6

Worker Perceptions of Job Security and Satisfaction: Share Giving an Affirmative Response

Current Job TenureAgree Own Job Security Is Good.How Easy to Find Equivalent New Job?How Satisfied with Own Job?How Likely to Search for New Job in Next Year?
SurveyQEMP (1970s)GSS (2000s, 2010s)QEMP (1970s)GSS (2000s, 2010s)QEMP (1970s)GSS (2000s, 2010s)QEMP (1970s)GSS (2000s, 2010s)
All workers7988626188902840
By tenure category:
 < = 1 year7082746883854456
 1 to < = 37787717184893949
 3 to < = 57886666287893344
 5 to < = 108488585889922334
 10 to < = 208490495393941325
 Over 20899043459494715
Men age 50–648288465592921329

Sources: The Quality of Work Life (QEMP) survey was administered by the U.S. Department of Labor in 1969–1970 1972–1973 and 1977, with about 1,300 responses in each wave. The General Social Survey (GSS) is administered by the National Opinion Research Center. Responses are from the Quality of Work Life module, administered in the GSS in 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, and 2018.

Notes: All cells report share respondents age 22–64 answering affirmatively or positively at the very or somewhat levels.