Table 7

Dynastic Correlations in Mental Health: Sensitivity Analysis (Extensive Margin Estimates)

Parents’ MH9.569***11.025***8.401***7.372***6.785***6.755***7.012***8.865***
Parents’ siblings MH2.848***3.717***2.612***2.078***1.865***1.794***1.933***2.498***
Spouses of parents’ siblings MH1.417***1.195***1.302***0.694**0.607**0.673**0.634**0.988***
Parents’ cousins MH1.654***1.797***1.466***0.951***0.818***0.881***0.764***1.144***
Spouses of parents’ cousins MH0.676***0.2060.615***0.393*0.2620.0180.1551.016***
Siblings of spouses of parents’ siblings MH1.025***0.593***0.857***0.447**0.3290.1040.2950.690***
Baseline controlsXXXXXXX
No controlsX
Nb. PC visitsXXXXX
Parental age25–3030–35
Sum of coefficients17.218.515.311.910.710.210.815.2
  • Notes: This table presents robustness checks for the result from Column 6 of Table 3. Column 1 replicates this result, Column 2 drops all control variables, Column 3 replicates Column 1 additionally controlling for fixed effects for the number of primary care (PC) visits, Column 4 further adds controls for determinants of selection (Online Appendix Tables A8 and A9), Column 5 further adds individual level controls (birth weight, birth order, indicators for mother’s and father’s age at the time of child’s birth, and fixed effects for mother’s municipality of residence at the time of child’s birth), Column 6 further adds middle school-by-cohort fixed effects, Column 7 replicates Column 5 but adds the child’s GP fixed effects, and finally Column 8 replicates the results from Column 1 but measures parental mental health events at ages 30–35 rather than 25–30. MH denotes mental health. Eicker–Huber–White robust standard errors in parentheses. Significance: *p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01.