Table 9

Effects of the Pilot Program on the Intergenerational Persistence of Mental Health Conditions

AllCollegeNo CollegeMalesFemales
Panel A: Baseline
1[Parental MH]9.730***8.983***10.104***8.699***10.840***
1[Parental MH] × (Age 2007 ≤ 6) × Pilot−3.796***−6.210***−2.141−3.603**−3.916***
Panel B: Duration
1[Parental MH]9.801***8.965***10.148***8.649***11.036***
1[Parental MH] × Duration × Pilot−1.114***−2.425***−0.568−1.403***−0.795*
Panel C: Control for Municipality Trends
1[Parental MH]9.703***9.007***10.076***8.673***10.804***
1[Parental MH] × (Age 2007 ≤ 6) × Pilot−3.778***−6.145***−2.137−3.610**−3.866***
  • Notes: The table focuses on all children born in the 26 treated and the 22 matched-control Norwegian municipalities between 1996 and 2005. For all panels, each column corresponds to a separate regression where we compare the mental health of children who were older versus aged 6 or younger at the start of the program, were born in treated versus matched-control municipalities, and had parents with versus without mental health conditions. Children’s mental health outcome is an indicator for any mental health GP or ER visit between ages 13–18, multiplied by 100. “1[Parental MH]” is an indicator for parental MH-related diagnoses between 2000 and 2010. “Pilot” is an indicator of whether the child was born in one of the 26 pilot municipalities. “Age 2007 ≤ 6” indicates cohorts of children who were 6 or younger in 2007, namely at the start of the pilot program. In Panel B, “Duration” is the number of years during which each cohort of children was aged 6 or below between 2007 and 2010. This variable equals zero for children born between 1996 and 2000, one for children born in 2001, two for children born in 2002, three for children born in 2003, and four for children born in 2004 and 2005. Controls excluded from the table and included in the model are fixed effects for children’s year of birth, indicators for the ages of mothers and fathers at the time of the child’s birth, child’s birth weight, child’s birth order, indicators for father’s and mother’s educational attainments, children’s municipality of birth fixed effects, and interactions between the main dependent variables of interest described above. Panel C expands the set of controls to include interactions between cohort fixed effects with the following pre-trial municipality characteristics: number of GPs per 1,000 inhabitants, number of school nurses per 1,000 school-age students, number of school doctors per 1,000 school-age students, number of health professional per 1,000 inhabitants, and population. There is one observation per parent–child pair in all regressions. Columns 2 and 3 present results by parental education and Columns 4 and 5 by the child’s gender. Standard errors are clustered by children’s municipality of birth. Significance: *p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01.