Table 3

Impact of the Women’s Preventive Screening Guidelines for Depression on Mental Health Hospital Visits for Teens, Including First Visit in the Year Only

Visits with:
Mental Health DiagnosisMood Disorders DiagnosisAnxiety Disorders DiagnosisSuicidal Ideation Diagnosis
2015 × Female0.00480.00980.00600.0034
2014 × Female0.00690.00940.00590.0039
2013 × Female0.00670.00790.00540.0030
2012 × Female0.00030.00460.00130.0022
Baseline meana0.0950.0230.0100.005
  • Notes: The table reports coefficients from linear regression models. The dependent variable for each column is one if the hospital record for a visit includes the condition and zero otherwise. All regressions include fixed effects for hospital, year, month, single year of child’s age, race (Black, white, other race), gender, and insurance (Medicaid, private, self-pay). In addition, we include zip code characteristics, such as median income and the shares of poor, renters, college educated, non-Hispanic Black, non-Hispanic white, Hispanics, Asians, and age bins. Standard errors are clustered by hospital–year. The sample includes teen visits to hospital from 2008 to 2015.

  • a Baseline mean corresponds to the boys’ mean before 2012.