Table 10

Childcare Choices—Robustness

NExclusively ParentsSubsidized ProviderInformal Arrangement
Panel A: Baseline DiD
Mean 2012 spring0.3010.3050.515
Panel B: Specification Checks
No control variables6,9320.075**−0.041−0.055
Mean 2012 spring0.3010.3050.515
Partner controls6,9320.063*−0.042−0.024
Mean 2012 spring0.3010.3050.515
Mean 2012 spring0.3010.3050.515
Maternal age at birth and children’s age as. . .
Squared polynomials6,9320.070**−0.048*−0.034
Mean 2012 spring0.3010.3050.515
Cubic polynomials6,9320.073**−0.051*−0.035
Mean 2012 spring0.3010.3050.515
Panel C: Observation Period: Births in. . .
May to October4,5890.076*−0.051−0.052
Mean 2012 spring0.3020.3040.510
June to September3,3190.107**−0.069*−0.070
Mean 2012 spring0.3100.3000.501
  • Source: Own calculations based on KiBS Waves 2 and 3 (interviews 2012–2015) for children born between March 2011 and December 2012, West Germany only.

  • Notes: Exclusive parental care is defined as the absence of informal care and care by a subsidized provider. Controls are maternal age at birth dummies (<25, 25–30, 30–35, 35–40, >40), survey wave dummies, federal state fixed effects, maternal tertiary education (dummy), children’s age in month dummies. Partner controls include a dummy for having a partner as well as partner’s education. Dummies for missing values in any control variable are included as well. Cluster robust (on mother’s level) standard errors in parentheses. Significance levels: *p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01.