Table 6

Employment Outcomes—Main Results

NEver Returned to WorkCumulated EmploymentCumulated Labor Income
Panel A: Full Sample
Mean 2012 spring0.82845228,668
Panel B: By Education
No tertiary degree377,768−0.014***−14.884***−873.894***
Mean 2012 spring0.82144724,542
Tertiary degree109,760−0.008−8.808*−1,160.849**
Mean 2012 spring0.85947843,265
Panel C: By Citizenship
Mean 2012 spring0.75339326,322
Mean 2012 spring0.83545728,881
Panel D: By Childcare Availability in 2012
Below median252,607−0.011***−10.339***−700.202***
Mean 2012 spring0.80743825,392
Above median251,626−0.016***−16.377***−1,109.828***
Mean 2012 spring0.84846531,947
  • Source: Own calculations based on BEH data for for children born between March 2008 and December 2013, West Germany only.

  • Notes: Outcomes are measured 36 months after birth. Cumulated employment is measured in days, cumulated labor income in euros. Controls in Xi are district fixed effects, age at birth dummies (<25, 25–30, 30–35, 30–40, >40), wage prior to birth dummies (<20, 20–40, 40–60, 60–80, 80–100, 100–120, >120), tertiary education (dummy), and dummies for missing values in either. Childcare availability is defined as the ratio of childcare slots divided by the number of children under three years at the district level. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Significance tests for the differences between the group are as follows: Education: returned to work: p = 0.36, employment: p = 0.25, income: p = 0.62. Nationality: returned to work: p = 0.87, employment: p = 0.89, income: p = 0.89. Childcare availability: returned to work: p = 0.33, employment: p = 0.19, income: p = 0.30. Significance levels: *p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01.