Table 6

Detailed Time Use of Household Members, Difference-in-Differences

The Number of Minutes Spent On:Types of Home ProductionTypes of Market WorkLeisure
Work in Home Garden
Caring for Children
Self-Care (Excluding Sleep)
Work on HH Farm
Regular Paid Work
Other Work
Transport to/from Work
Panel A: Males
Water system−23.85−14.589−50.813***116.437***−2.886−11.5753.83475.343***
Mean (number of minutes)97.118.17153.84218.9521.5232.5513.58315.77
Individual observations1,0901,0901,0901,0901,0901,0901,0901,090
Number of villages3838383838383838
Panel B: Females
Water system−26.530−29.610−86.288***96.413***−20.733**−4.0317.806*87.53
Mean (number of minutes)72.1651.34165.3159.9432.5638.756.36262.38
Household observations1,0941,0941,0941,0941,0941,0941,0941,094
Number of villages3838383838383838
  • Notes: Results are for difference-in-differences regressions. Time use data were collected for household members 12 years and older via the Kyrgyz Integrated Household Survey (2005 and 2010). Sample is limited to those villages (38 in total) that were eligible to receive the water infrastructure through the program. Time use is measured in number of minutes per 24-hour period (totaling 1440 minutes). All regressions include the following controls: (1) season dummies, (2) day of week dummies, (3) respondent age and gender, (3) size of respondent’s household, (4) district-year fixed effects, and (5) village fixed effects. Means are calculated for 2005. For a description of the time use categories, see the Online Appendix. Standard errors are clustered at the village level and in parentheses, with statistical significance denoted by: ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1. Wild bootstrap clustered (village) p-values in brackets.