Table 7

Household Crop Harvests, Difference-in-Differences

Log Fodder
Log Cereals
Categories of Cereals
Log Wheat
Log Barley
Log Maize
Log Other Cereals
Panel A: Initial Specification
Water system0.6070.3270.2880.411**1.140***0.085
Mean baseline production (kg)58.01746.01352.5344.439.2170.2
Household observations188713911158452159723
Number of villages404037261923
Panel B: Include Score*Year Controls
Water system0.6220.579***0.598***0.405*1.803***0.257
Mean baseline production (kg)59.51796.31392.2354.539.3156.2
Household observations177813781149452155647
Number of villages383836261722
  • Notes: Results are for difference-in-differences regressions using the household survey data collected via the Kyrgyz Integrated Household Survey (2003–2010). Sample is limited to those villages that were eligible to receive the water infrastructure through the program. “Water system” is an indicator of whether the village received the water infrastructure. Baseline means are calculated for 2003–2004. Amounts harvested are in log kilograms. All Columns include controls for (1) land characteristics (total plot size, number of land plots total, and proportion of land that is privately owned); (2) number of people and children 14 years and younger in a household; (3) district-year fixed effects; and (4) village fixed effects. Standard errors are clustered at the village level and in parentheses, with statistical significance denoted by: ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1. Wild bootstrap clustered (village) p-values in brackets.