Table 2 Summary Statistics and Balancing Tests
Treatment Status
Control SampleOnline OnlyText MessagingPersonal CoachingP- Value from F-Test of No Difference
Student CharacteristicsMean [Standard Deviation]Difference [Standard Error]Difference [Standard Error]Difference [Standard Error]
Female0.524 [0.500]0.011 [0.018]0.013 [0.017]0.098 [0.105]0.700
Age in first year18.511 [1.428]0.025 [0.058]0.064 [0.052]−0.533 [0.332]0.216
High school average grade87.284 [5.122]−0.093 [0.182]−0.208 [0.164]0.120 [1.004]0.642
Non-English mother tongue0.551 [0.498]−0.002 [0.018]−0.005 [0.016]−0.064 [0.105]0.932
Non-Canadian citizenship0.541 [0.498]0.002 [0.018]−0.001 [0.017]−0.069 [0.105]0.926
Living in residence0.300 [0.458]0.035** [0.016]0.019 [0.014]−0.041 [0.090]0.143
Expects to get more than undergraduate degree0.657 [0.475]0.008 [0.017]0.007 [0.015]0.069 [0.097]0.87
First generation student0.237 [0.425]0.027* [0.016]0.011 [0.014]−0.036 [0.092]0.375
Expect to receive Aaverage or more0.659 [0.474]0.008 [0.017]0.022 [0.015]−0.082 [0.097]0.39
Hours expected to study18.243 [10.890]−0.323 [0.398]−0.029 [0.355]−0.175 [2.257]0.855
Expect to work more than 8 hours/week0.376 [0.485]−0.002 [0.017]−0.013 [0.016]0.019 [0.099]0.847
Economics is a required course0.577 [0.494]−0.001 [0.017]−0.003 [0.015]0.084 [0.096]0.842
International student0.436 [0.496]−0.024 [0.018]−0.016 [0.016]−0.008 [0.102]0.571
Have a clear vision for future (1–7)4.842 [1.467]0.023 [0.054]−0.028 [0.048]−0.299 [0.308]0.603
Think about the future (1–7)5.559 [1.226]0.041 [0.045]−0.003 [0.040]−0.199 [0.256]0.605
Tend to cram for exams (1–7)4.105 [1.521]−0.035 [0.055]−0.008 [0.049]−0.002 [0.312]0.936
Identify with university (1–7)5.646 [1.427]−0.028 [0.053]0.000 [0.047]0.145 [0.300]0.893
Transition has been so far challenging (1–7)4.774 [1.670]0.001 [0.061]0.015 [0.054]−0.782** [0.344]0.146
  • Notes: Summary statistics and differences are calculated using the full sample of students. All differences are conditional on campus location and first-year fixed effects. Significant at *p<0.10, **p<0.05, ***p< 0.01.