Table 5

Full-Day Attendance and Obesity by Year

 Full-Day (A)All Children (B)All Children (C)All Children (D)Children with Non-working Parents (E)Obese in the Beginning of the Year (F)Beginning of the Year Income (G)
Year = 20020.268 (0.080)−0.045 (0.025)−0.048 (0.026)−0.056 (0.026)−0.010 (0.035)0.030 (0.033)0.034 (0.049)
Year = 2003omittedomittedomittedomittedomittedomittedomitted
Year = 20040.114 (0.056)−0.024 (0.022)−0.021 (0.023)−0.041 (0.032)−0.039 (0.040)0.002 (0.033)0.016 (0.056)
Year = 20050.124 (0.054)−0.019 (0.022)−0.02 (0.022)−0.060 (0.053)0.020 (0.040)0.008 (0.031)0.004 (0.054)
Year = 20060.082 (0.075)−0.011 (0.022)−0.015 (0.024)−0.043 (0.063)0.000 (0.033)0.009 (0.031)−0.034 (0.048)
Individual & family characteristicsX XXXXX
Economic conditions   X   
Sample size1,8331,8331,8331,8335531,8331,833
  • Source: See Table 2.

  • Notes: Heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors that allow for clustering within classrooms are in parentheses. The dependent variable in Column A is an indicator variable for whether the child participated in a full-day class. The dependent variable in Columns B through E is the change in obesity status. The sample in Column E is restricted to children with nonworking primary caregivers. The dependent variable in Column F is obesity status at the beginning of the year. The dependent variable in Column G is the log of income in the beginning of the year. All regressions, except in Column F, control for whether the child was obese at the beginning of the year. With the exception that the alternative outcome variables are dropped from the list of covariates as appropriate, additional control variables included, but not reported, are specified in the text and in the notes to Table 2.